Saturday, February 26, 2011

Night of Prayer

This past week at youth we had a night of prayer... it was so amazing. There were different areas where we could pray for the nations, confess things to Jesus, read Psalms, light candles for those we know that don't know God, and just pray, pray, pray! It was such an amazing atmosphere of worship and reverence. Some people prayed by themselves, others prayed for each other or in groups... there was no set schedule, we just followed where we felt God leading us. It made me realize again the power and intimacy of prayer. And I think it's sad that I find it harder to pray when I'm by myself, not surrounded by others praying with soft music in the background. It's like we need a certain atmosphere to pray. It's ridiculous, but I think it's true. For me, at least. I get so distracted when I try to pray... I'll start of with, "Dear God, thank you for today..." and all of the sudden my mind will start wandering over the events of the day and I'll forget completely that I was in the middle of talking to Jesus.

And another thing, I think it's also silly that we have certain times when we're praying, and others when we're not. God wants to be talking to us all the time! Not just before meals or in church... but as we're walking to school, or driving to work, or going out for dinner... all the time!

So those are just some things I've been challenged with recently... praying everywhere I go, a continual conversation with Jesus... and being able to really enter in a time with Jesus without having everything set up for me. It's definitely not easy, but I'm ready to try!

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