Thursday, May 19, 2011

God is my Rest

I have been seriously intrigued by this truth...that God is my rest.  I have been convicted, I have been encouraged and inspired even more to know this God and the "rest" that He speaks of.

This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says:
   “In repentance and rest is your salvation,
   in quietness and trust is your strength,
   but you would have none of it.  Isaiah 30:15

Oh, Father....I have lived so many years on a roller coaster of peace and anxiousness, up one day and down the next, my emotions controlled by my fears and insecurities.  I have not lived in the "rest" that you offer. 

You have been calling me to your "rest".  I see you as my Shepherd.  You call me into the sheepfold.  Inside, I am safe.  I am not confined.  I am not alone.  I can sleep and I can live without fear.  Because, You Lord, are the door.  Nothing and No one can get inside to harm me.  

Outside, my fears and my anxieties wait to devour me in their hunger.  Outside of your Rest...I am lost.  I am easy prey.

In returning to repentance and your rest...I am saved.

In quietness and trust...You are my Strength.

I just fall more in love with you everyday.  There is always more wonderfulness of you to know.  I can't help it...I don't want to go my old ways.

I want you Jesus.  I want to live in your Rest.  Everyday.


  1. agreed. "in repentance and rest in your salvation" "in quietness and trust is your strength" i want both of these in Jesus name. Amen.

  2. Thank you Lord for Erika. In our weariness, in our weakness...we seek You. You say "ask", so that we can receive. In your name, we come to declare your truth and your life as victorious and claim the victory that we have in you. Help us both Jesus, to grow in this life giving "rest". To grow stronger in our faith as we trust that you are who you say you are. Remind us both, when we take our eyes off of you and only see our troubles or our hurts or our fears, or when we begin to listen to the lies of the evil one....remind us to "return" to You, to "Rest". And I agree with her and ask this in Jesus name.
    Bless Erika today, may she know how precious she is. Amen.
