Thursday, August 27, 2009

Honey, Eat Just Enough!

The other day while shopping at the farmers market downtown, my husband and I came across the best tasting honey in Abbotsford. It was home-made blueberry honey. We bought a couple of jars, one for myself and one for my brother who was coming for a visit. There is something so appealing about honey... even the jar looks attractive that it comes in. Far more interesting though, is that the bees do all the work for us to make the honey. Oh, there is a process after that before it gets into the jar... but the bees do all the work for that to happen.

I was reading in Proverbs 25 this week and it spoke about eating too much...

"It is not good to eat too much honey, nor is it honorable to seek one's own honor." Proverbs 25:27

"If you find honey, eat just enough--too much of it and you will vomit." Proverbs 25:16

And in the next verse, in Proverbs 25:17, it says;
" Seldom set foot in your neighbors house--too much of you and he will hate you."

I just found it interesting how close this verse was to eating too much honey...

Sometimes I wonder if I am not getting what God wants me to get when I read His Word. Could you relate honey with other things.... like knowledge... the Bible says it is good to get wisdom and knowledge. But too much of the wrong kind of knowledge is not good for you. Can you know too much... Could that be why a neighbor or friend might hate you. I have a friend who went through a devastating situation in her marriage... her husband was in the present state of being unfaithful and she had just found out. Her daughter called my husband and I, and in the background, I could hear my friend sobbing uncontrollably. My friend would not talk to me. Eventually, the husband came back and the two of them began the work of restoring their marriage. But, my friend had been shamed and she basically closed herself off to even her closest friends. She shut her front door, packed up her household items, sold her house and moved away. She wouldn't answer the phone, she didn't have email and she didn't answer letters. We had been friends for over 30 years. Somehow, I think I knew too much. Our relationship has been restored now... but it has taken years for her to work through the shame and sorrow of what happened to her. It wasn't just me she shut out of her life... it was most everyone that knew her.

What would it be like to go back to a simpler life, without CNN or CBC , without Internet, without the daily newspaper, without cell phones, without television even; would my lack of knowledge lower my stress level? We have been given access to so much information, it can be overwhelming at times.

On the other hand... it can also simplify our lives if we don't take in too much of it. I found it incredibly awesome to be able to call BCAA on my cell phone when we were ten hours away from home and our car broke down on the highway this past weekend.

So, my prayer for you today is.. that you would eat just enough honey, whether it is in your tea, or on your toast with butter, placing the Word of God before you like a candle burning. My prayer also, is that you would place all of the cares of this world into His hands... He is our only Peace, our Comforter, our Shield and our Protector.

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