Monday, October 5, 2009

Reality Check

This week I had a reality check. I really don't like it when the truth hurts but this one dug deep.

It all started with a visit to the dr. For the past couple months (approx a year) I've been extremely exhausted and had no idea why. It was driving me to tears and this past month it has been catching up with me. I've never cried so much this past month as I have in all my years. The dr had done some blood works and finally determined that my iron levels were so low that I'm border-line anemic. For my age, my levels should be a 40 but they were a 7. That's a huge difference.

I was having a conversation with my friend about taking medication. I have never been good at taking medication and now need to take iron every day. These low irons levels are the source of so many of my health issues that had never been looked at before. My daily struggle with depression could be the result of such low iron levels. The need to sleep constantly is a result. Constantly being cold is another result.

My friend has had fertility issues and when she was pregnant had to take a medication or her baby would die. She was trying to encourage me and help me find something to grasp so that I would remember to take them and want to take them, no matter how awful they make me feel. She told me that I needed to take these iron pills and make it something that was a matter of my health for my family. If I don't take these every day it is something that will affect my entire family. With low iron levels I am not going to be at my best for my family and it's unhealthy to continue on the way I have been.

What struck really deep was at night when I was laying in bed thinking about this whole conversation. I realized that I need to apply my friend's advice to my daily walk with God. If my friend didn't take her medication, her baby would die in her womb. What am I doing about my relationship with Jesus and to what extent am I making him a priority.... it's a matter of life and death in eternity. To what extent will I go to fill myself with more of Him? My friend suggested that I put iron in my purse so I always have it. She suggested I put it on my bedside table so I don't forget it. She suggested all these places where I could be reminded of it's importance. What is something I can do to remind me that Jesus is my priority?

I used to write out scripture on sticky notes and put them on my mirror or cupboards. I used to carry some verse cards with me in my purse so that I could meditate on scripture anywhere. I pulled them out all the time. Because of how tired I've been I've really struggled with the strength and drive to open my Bible and read it.... much less fill my mind with His Words. My life has been so empty and dry.

Last week I used Joshua 1:8. This week God used my life issues to come alive in me and renew my committment to Him.

"Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."
~ Joshua 1:8

I want to challenge you and myself to plaster scriptures in all the places where we won't forget the reason we live and breathe each day. Write verses out and put them in places where you will be surrounded with great promises from God's Word. The fridge, the mirror, the toilet paper roll, the kitchen window, your speedometer, your wallet, etc.

Tell us how you're doing in this area. If you have suggestions for anyone else, use the comments to encourage us with what you do to fill your mind.

How do you take time for Jesus? What verse is your lifeline?

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