"Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end, for it will still come at the appointed time."
~ Daniel 11: 35 (NIV)
Gold and silver are heated so hot that the impurities go to the surface and are taken out. The purer the gold or silver, the clearer the reflection of the worker's face in the liquid.
God does that in our lives where he wants us to be as pure as we can be in our walk with him. He refines us by bringing the sins in our lives to the surface and taking them away. When we're heated or put through trials, how we respond is what others see and the more refined we get the more we reflect Christ's image.
It's not easy going through the fire and being refined. I can attest to that first hand. I'm not always thankful for the trials I need to go through. One lady in and old Bible study of mine was a great example to me when she went through a really tough time in her life she talked about going on her knees before God and praising him for this suffering. If I had been in her shoes I don't know if I could have praised God for taking my husband away. Sure she hurt and cried herself to sleep at night and had lonely moments. She knew that God would change her through this and she'd be closer to him in the end. What a testimony!
How is God refining you?
What impurities do you have in your life that need to surface and be dealt with?
When you're put through the fire, how do you respond?
Can you praise God while you are being refined?
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