Monday, April 12, 2010

So Long, Insecurity...Week...Uhmmm...What week is it?

Well...How do I put this?  I've fallen behind.  I thought about staying up really late so I could finish the homework and move us on to the next week, but I just changed my mind.  One of my insecurity roots is "perfectionism"...I don't like to drop the ball and let everyone know it at the same time!

I think the old, 'more insecure' me would have chosen to stay up half the night so as not to let you down.  However, the new 'less insecure' me is willing to sacrifice letting you down and me looking bad in order to get the very best out of this journey.

Not an excuse, but a little explanation:  This week was one of my crazier weeks.  Do you ever have those?  It was a great week but it just felt like there weren't enough days or time in the days for me to get done all the things I love doing and all the things that need doing.  My son turned 14.  I get weird around my kids birthdays.  I get sentimental, maybe a little emotional, a little scatter brained (or should I say more scatter brained than normal).  Keeping schedules, appointments, meal planning and grocery shopping becomes ridiculously trying as I struggle to maintain composure through the 'where has time gone?' running through my mind.  Seriously, its weird.  Add that to a full schedule and you've got something close to crazy.  I've also been reading up on how to have a more organized life! I continue to learn through this journey, I want to make every moment count.  I don't want to rush though anything just to get it done when its as important as this.  I am able to connect with many of you here and there throughout the week and hear bits of your journey.  I love that.  However,  I would love to hear more of you sharing where you are at on the blog just so that others besides me would be encouraged.   Many of you have just started the So Long, Insecurity Journey and are a few weeks behind us on the study questions,  I am so thrilled that you are doing it!   Many of you have already bought your tickets for Beth Moore's Live Simulcast on the awesome.  I can't wait for that.  I have been thinking that I would love to have a little get together at my house for any of you that would like to come.  Sisters Unite!!  Yeah.  If you want to come to my house for coffee and a little So Long, Insecurity girl talk...let me know and we'll try and do it before the 24th.

So...we've got an extra week to do last weeks chapters 10 and 11.  And just so you know, I have an appointment on Thursday to meet with a counselor concerning some of the roots in my life that I've prayed over but have struggled to get rid of.  So, if you think about it, you can pray for me and the counselor that day.  May the Holy Spirit bring discernment and truth and God's grace bring healing in my heart and life.

Father God,  Thank you for my sisters that are also in this journey.  We desire greatly Lord to be free of any hinderance in our lives that holds us back from being or doing what you have called us to be.  Thank you for what you have been teaching each one of us.  Lord, show us how to take what you've given us and use it to encourage those around us who are also struggling with insecurity and their identity.  Lord, we know that You are the source of our security.  Your love for us is not dependent on our gender, our race, our heritage, our financial status, our education, our physical appearance, our gifts, our abilities, our performance or any other thing that makes us 'feel' significant.  We are secure because you love us like no one else can love us.  Thank you, Jesus.  Holy Spirit, teach us and reveal to us what we need to know, help us to believe.  Amen.

I love you girls.

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