I have discovered that I love to dance. It all started with ballroom dancing lessons that my husband gave us for Christmas a few years ago. What a blast to actually know what to do with my feet! I learned a few steps, what steps to do with different kinds of music, gained a little confidence, and I was hooked. I have always liked to move. I loved playing sports and being active, but I never knew how much fun dancing could be. I love being able to move my body in rhythm, inspired by music and emotion. It has become for me a new language to express my heart to God.
My favorite worship/dance song these days is "I'm Alive" by Celine Dion. Yes, a secular song with a powerful beat (I love a good, strong beat) and words that I can direct towards God. There is something about that song that makes me want to move. I cannot listen to it without my body entering into it. I turn off the lights, (no neighbors, please) crank up the sound loud and go for it! O, it makes me feel so full of life and refreshes my soul. I love that my body joins my spirit in worshiping my wonderful, amazing savior and friend. I can resonate with "I'm Alive" !!!
I didn't grow up being expressive in worship at all. I learned to worship standing in one place with my hands holding the hymnbook. I loved to sing, and I found meaning in participating in the liturgy, but that was pretty much it, as far as being demonstrative went. It wasn't that anything else was frowned upon, it just wasn't what we did. It didn't even enter my head to clap or raise my hands. I am not putting down any style of worship. God's Spirit is not limited in his expression, and we are free to express our love for him in any way that is meaningful. It is always a matter of the heart. I, however, am just enjoying so much the physical aspects of worship that have come to be so meaningful to me.
Unfortunately, (or maybe fortunately for those watching, especially my children) I am not so free in my expression on a Sunday morning at church as I am at home. God is freeing this middle aged woman up a little at a time to not care too much about what others will think. But in my heart, (and when I'm alone) I am like David who lost himself in sincere, earnest worship. And David danced before the LORD with all his might. 2 Samuel 6:14 (Read the rest of the story to see David's (and God's) response to the critics.)
If you haven't ever tried it, I want to encourage you to include your body in the experience of what you are expressing with your mouth and with your spirit. Offer yourself, the members of your body, in worship to God. No one's looking, not really, except the One who will be extremely pleased to have you join him.
(Celebrate Your Life Painting by Cher Odum)
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