Thursday, February 18, 2010

Cyberspace Friends

Usually at least once a day I get on the computer to check out how my Face Book friends are doing. A lot of them will post something everyday. They will tell you where they are going, what they are eating, what their friends are eating, saying or doing . They will tell you how early they got up, what they had for breakfast, what "baby" is watching on television and when he took his first steps. They will also tell you if they are waiting in line at Walmart and how many people are in front of them. Just about everyday someone posts an application on my page to get a hug, send a hug, accept a smile, accept an angel, poke someone, send a flower, protest something or join a group.

I have a friend who posts something several times a day and I know more about what is going on in his family than I do my own. Face Book is interesting though, you can visit someone, hang around in their living room, check out all of their friends, and they don't even know you are there unless, of course, you make a comment.

For some, this is their daily interaction with people. It is a safe place for them. They don't have to say too much, or they say just enough to pique the interest of some of their friends. Others get their emotional needs met there and some feel that it connects them to the outside world from which they live.

I think there is a key factor here. We all want to feel connected somewhere... to someone who cares. We want to belong. We want to feel safe in friendships. People will shoot their thoughts, desires and feelings into outer space because it is easier than looking someone in the eyes and talking about all of those things.

What about you? Where do you go for answers? Do you feel like anyone even cares? I know someone who does and He still makes house calls... And you know what? He knows... without you even telling Him. He knows everything about you and loves you. He knows your weaknesses. He knows the depth of your heart and He loves you! He loves you! You do not have to hide in His living room or visit Him anonymously. I love it that He knows our thoughts before we even speak them. As I write this post, He and I together, are watching the words as they flow onto the screen. How close is that!

As you think about your relationships today... think about the One who knows you better than anyone else. No matter what you are going through... He is there. He loves you and cares about everything that is happening in your life.

Proverbs 18:24 talks about a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Jesus is that friend. He is with us in our darkest hours and He is with us in our days of celebration. How blessed we are! No one can compare to the friendship we have in Him. May you enjoy an awesome day just walking and talking with Him!

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