Friday, February 5, 2010

Yes, Jesus Loves Me

Jesus loves me
this I know
for the Bible tells me so.

You know the song. Little kids sing it in Sunday School. Picture them singing this song with everything they've got. "YES! Jesus loves meeeee! YES!!! Jesus loves meeee!"

Many artists have recorded this song. I'm listening to Aaron Neville's recording as I write this post today. It's a simple song - with profound truth. If we truly believed even this one line of the song, we'd be forever changed and experience true freedom.

Jesus loves me. This I know. Do you know this? Not just in your head, but so deep in your heart that it makes you feel giddy in love. That's what I'm talking about to know this love. We've seen people discover being loved and realizing they also love the person. Their faces glow. They can't keep from smiling. Troubles aren't as troubling because the love they are experiencing simply causes them to rise above them. Their heart is light for they know that they are loved... delighted in... seen as wonderful... precious. They are wanted - desired.

Jesus loves us like that - more than that. Think about it. If a love between people can be so strong, how could the love of the LOVER be anything but infinitely greater? Ohhh, please hear me. This is the one thing in life that you need to know - that I need to know. Jesus loves me. God loves me... with an undying love - with a love that can never be quenched. His faithful love endures forever.

For the Bible tells me so. All of Scripture points to Christ. It's all about the love of God shown to us through Christ. For the Bible tells me so. Sister... friend... if what you think in your heart doesn't match what God says in His Word, it's we who have to change our mind. If deep down inside, you just don't think God's great love applies to you personally (even though you know it in your head)... go to God and ask Him to show you why you aren't free to accept this as true for yourself. I've done this. I know my sisters at Soul Kitchen have done this - some of us have asked God together - and we continue to do this when we somehow, in the deep places of our hearts, can't agree with God's word... or don't experience it to be true in our lives.

Do you understand what I'm saying here? It's all about knowing that Jesus loves me. Jesus loves ________ . Put your own name in there. Jesus loves you. Do you know it? The Bible says this is so - God says so. So... if you don't know it deep down, ask God to show you what it is that is keeping you from knowing His love. You can do it right now as you sit by your computer.

Father, show me why I don't really trust that you truly love me. What is keeping me from believing that this is true for me? I seem to know that you love others, but somehow, sometimes I feel disqualified. Why is that? (Listen for the answer.)

What's He saying to you? So many times it's a lie we believe that keeps us from believing the truth. Was it a lie He revealed? You know what we have to do with lies, don't you? We renounce them. We no longer agree with the lie. Then we can ask Jesus what the truth is. What is the truth, Jesus? (Listen for it!) We want to agree with truth. Let's agree with the truth God shows us according to His word. Almost all the time, it's a lie I have believed that keeps me from being able to believe and live the truth.

Get someone who is spiritually mature to pray with you through this and the other things that God brings to your attention as you walk through life. God wants us to freely live and walk in the truth. He is for you and loves you! We are for you too, friends!

Once again the prayer that we have quoted so often here on Soul Kitchen, we pray this for you our sisters and friends who read our blog, and we pray this for ourselves...

"And I pray that you (yes, you!)
being rooted and established in love,
may have power, together with all the saints,
to grasp how wide and long
and deep and wide
is the love of Christ,
and to know this love that surpasses knowledge -
that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."
Ephesians 3:17b-19

(a recycled post)

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