Thursday, February 25, 2010

Through the Woods and Down the Road...

I read something recently about chickens and dogs that triggered a memory of my next door neighbor. Several years ago, we lived in a remote community on five acres of land that adjoined my neighbors 5 acre parcel. It wasn't uncommon to see a lot of wildlife even on our front porch. I cannot tell you the number of times only a thin sheet of glass was separating me from the bear on the other side. We had a really good relationship with our neighbor, though we could not see her house for all the trees that blocked our view. It was comforting however to know she was there and she likewise felt the same way. Many times we would call each other and say, "A bear just left our place and it's coming your way. You might want to drive your kids to the bus stop." They often would come through the woods, go down our steep driveway and take a shortcut to the main highway to catch the school bus.

Our relationship with our neighbor was on solid ground until our dog delightedly killed her first chicken. "Little chick" had no clue she was to stay on her own property, and decided to explore the beauty of the forest. Belle, our dog, was resting sleepily on the front porch when she noticed "little chick" wandering around aimlessly in our yard. You might know the story... Belle had never seen a little chicken before. So in her excitement to have a play mate... she "accidentally" killed "little chick." Uhm, well... anyway, that's the story we told our friend. And we talked to her about the possibility of putting her chickens in a fenced in area. "No, she said, I've never had to fence my chickens in, it seems cruel. Besides, they are my children's pets; they know them by name." So, she accepted our apology and we told her we would keep an eye on Belle. Belle was a rescued mill puppy that was part husky and possibly part wolf. She was a beautiful dog...

My story actually begins on a Sunday morning around 6 o'clock. There was a desperate pounding on the front door that became louder and louder. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes grabbed my robe and followed my husband into the living room. Standing and peering through our glass door was our dear friend Lee-Ann. I'm sure she doesn't mind me telling you her name. It was cold outside and there she stood in her pajamas and coat. I could tell something was desperately wrong and the minute she saw us, she began crying. I opened the door, put my arms around her and asked her what was wrong. "They are dead," she said. "Six of our ten chickens are dead. I don't know how I am going to tell the children. Belle came over sometime during the night and killed them. I found them when I went out to feed them this morning."
For a few moments, I did not know what to say. I just stood there. "Oh, Lee-Ann, we are so sorry," I said. "We will pay for the chickens." "They were pets," she said.

My husband stuck several pieces of wood in the wood stove and put the coffee on. I sat down with her on the sofa and looked at her grief stricken face. It was hard to realize that our dog had caused this heart ache. As my husband handed her a cup of coffee... she looked up and said, "It's not just the chickens. My marriage is in trouble." We sat and listened as she wept and poured her heart out to us. She knew of our faith in Christ and had said on several occasions that she would like to know Him the way we knew Him, but that was as far as it had gotten.

We spent the next several hours talking about Jesus; what He had done for us; for our marriage. We talked of how He was continually working in our lives and that even though our family might look perfect to her on the outside, (believe me, some people have thought that!)we still had issues that we had to deal with everyday. We talked of our struggles and battles and the grace of God. We talked of God's love and His mercy. Most importantly, we talked of His forgiveness. As we talked to her, the angels of Heaven were fluttering around the room, just waiting to hear those precious words..."Yes, I want Christ in my life!"

Lee-Ann left with a check in her hand to replace 6 chickens. She also left with peace in her heart and a relationship with Jesus Christ. I have seen Him carry her through some of the darkest hours of her life.

We do not know why some are asked to carry a heavier cross than others... or so it seems. Yet, we all have deep heartache that others do not see. We all have struggles and insecurities. I will be the first to admit that for myself. But my Heavenly Father knows all of this... and He is there to cheer me on. It's almost as though I can hear Him saying to me.... "Keep your focus, I know the road looks scary and it's pretty foggy out there... but keep going, you will come to a safe place."

I penned the words to a song recently. The second verse goes something like this...

The road I walk is narrow,
There's signs on either side.
Billboards beckon to me...
Let me be your guide.
But I'm gonna keep on walking...
Because it's worth it in the end.
Jesus is my guide, my Savior and my friend.

The world is full of advertisements that try to convince us to try something different... but if we keep walking, we can see a light shining at the end of that dark, scary, foggy road. Matter of fact... as we come into the light, we realize that Jesus was the One... guiding us through the darkness.


  1. I love this story Mama...It's got to be one of my favorites. Reading it today and picturing sweet Lee-Ann...brought tears to my eyes.
    I love you.


  2. Who knew that your dog killing your neighbor's chickens would be a good thing! I think that's why we're told to be thankful for all circumstances. We have no clue, sometimes, what God is up to. Great story, Mary.


  3. Amazing how God works in the lives of people. Hard times are often the catalyst for our turning to God. I was in suspense about your dog -thought you were going to say that you had to get rid of your dog.
    I'm glad that wasn't part of the story. :)
