A few days ago, I was in a lineup at the til in a store. The woman at the til was purchasing one item and was paying with cash. She needed to come up with seven dollars and some change. She pulled a five dollar bill out of her purse and was rummaging around for enough change to pay for her item. As she pulled coins out, the cashier counted. The woman kept asking, "How much more?" When she got to the point of only needing 40 more cents, it seemed that she had run out of lose change in her purse, because she kept shaking, turning and digging with no success. She had to have been embarrassed as we all waited for her. I would have been, and actually was, a little embarrassed for her. Eventually, a gentleman in the next lineup came over and paid the extra 40 cents. She was extremely grateful and said, "Well aren't you the nicest man in the whole world!?" Then it hit me,
Wow, that was really kind of him. Why didn't I think of doing that? It didn't even cross my mind as I stood there watching her and waiting for my turn. Not even a blip.
Hmm. These are the things that went through my head as I thought about it.
Shall I feel guilty for just standing there? Am I so selfish that I wasn't concerned for her? But, is it even possible for me to make ideas pop into my head at the appropriate time? Isn't it God's job to produce good works in me - kindness as a fruit of the Spirit? If it was for me to do, wouldn't he have put the thought into my head? Isn't the sin knowing what I should do and not doing it, rather than not knowing or having the idea to do it in the first place? What was God's will for me in that situation?
My conclusion about the matter: It's all in the presentation.
"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to
present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans 12:1-2) "...but
present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments for righteousness." Romans 6:13
is God's job to give me faith.
is God job to teach me his ways.
is God's job to produce his fruit in me.
It is my job to present myself to him, that he may do these things in me. I will be transformed and my mind will be renewed and I will know the good, pleasing and perfect will of God.
No, I did not feel guilty, but I recognized my need to present myself to him daily, even minute by minute, submitting to transformation, renewal and his use of me as an instrument of righteousness. He will do his work in and through me.
And in this I will rest.