Sunday, May 29, 2011

Your Love

Your Love
I rest in it
no more reaching
just resting
looking up
warmth shines
wind caresses
love surrounds
I float in it
breathing deeply
we both smile

Thursday, May 19, 2011

God is my Rest

I have been seriously intrigued by this truth...that God is my rest.  I have been convicted, I have been encouraged and inspired even more to know this God and the "rest" that He speaks of.

This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says:
   “In repentance and rest is your salvation,
   in quietness and trust is your strength,
   but you would have none of it.  Isaiah 30:15

Oh, Father....I have lived so many years on a roller coaster of peace and anxiousness, up one day and down the next, my emotions controlled by my fears and insecurities.  I have not lived in the "rest" that you offer. 

You have been calling me to your "rest".  I see you as my Shepherd.  You call me into the sheepfold.  Inside, I am safe.  I am not confined.  I am not alone.  I can sleep and I can live without fear.  Because, You Lord, are the door.  Nothing and No one can get inside to harm me.  

Outside, my fears and my anxieties wait to devour me in their hunger.  Outside of your Rest...I am lost.  I am easy prey.

In returning to repentance and your rest...I am saved.

In quietness and trust...You are my Strength.

I just fall more in love with you everyday.  There is always more wonderfulness of you to know.  I can't help it...I don't want to go my old ways.

I want you Jesus.  I want to live in your Rest.  Everyday.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Hope and Rest

May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in you.   Psalm 33:22

Julie quoted this verse in her post yesterday when she was talking about Jesus - our Hope.
This verse inspired such imagery in my heart as I read it.  Let's visualize what David is saying in this verse about God and us. We can do this together.

Picture this:  God's unfailing love resting on you. Sounds lovely doesn't it? It's not just lovely... it's absolutely true.

His love -
God's unfailing love ... His unfailing love ... His unfailing love
r e s t i n g  upon me!

What is God placing upon me?  His unfailing love.
Is that what you usually see God placing on you?
Do you sometimes see something else? What?

Listen to His heart and His words. It's not guilt; it's not shame; it's not judgement, and it's not blame nor anger. It's love. It's unfailing love based on Him and Who He is. It's not based on us. We often make it about us though, don't we? Sisters, it's not based on what we are prone to do/think/say or what we don't do/think/say.

God's unfailing love rests upon me.


Because we place our hope in God and we now belong to Him - through Christ Jesus. And because that's just the way He is - it's just Who He is. It's about Him after all.

Here again is one of my favourite verses that has helped me grasp this truth that it's about God doing and not about us doing anything but placing our hope in Him.

This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength..."  Isaiah 30:15

Father God, I need your Spirit to lead me into truth. The enemy lies continually to me and messes with my head so that I don't believe in my heart that what you say is true. Holy Spirit, make my heart and mind aware when I'm buying into the lies that diminish who You are and what you say. I want to know You for Who you really are - for Who You say You are. You are gracious and good, loving and kind... to me. Thank You.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

He is our HOPE

I met the most beautiful woman today while I was at work.
She was buying a little sign with the words Hope written on it.
I told her that I liked what she had picked out because we all need hope....and then I asked her a personal question.  I asked, if she had hope.
She looked me in the eyes and gently told me that she did have hope because she knew Jesus.
She then briefly shared a little bit of her heart with me and the painful journey that she has been on.

Ohhhh....what a divine moment it was for me and her to stand their together.  Two sisters...we don't know each other...but we know Hope....we know Jesus.  We know that He is bigger than every hurt in the world and that He is the only One that can save us.

When we feel like our boat is sinking and we don't know how on earth we are going to hang on...He's not only the lighthouse but he's the coastguard!  HE IS HOPE!

Listen to me sisters....whatever is going on in your life, Jesus is your Hope.  When trials come, and they always do, we think to ourselves, "well, if only this would happen, or that didn't happen, or if I had this, or I didn't have that, then everything would be better and I would be happy".  You forget that.  Jesus is our Hope.  We get stuck.  He is our only Hope of getting free.  We get hurt.  He is our only Hope of being healed.  We have needs.  He is our only Hope of true provision.  We are lied to.  He is our only Hope of truth.  He is Truth.

Jesus is our Hope.

"But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him."

Jeremiah 17:7

"My soul faints with longing for your salvation, but I have put my hope in your word."Psalm 119:81

"Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God,"Psalm 146:5

" May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in you."Psalm 33:22

Let us keep our eyes on Jesus....the Hope of Everything.