My "save now" button just saved all the blank space on my post. Sometimes that is how I feel. It is like I have so much to process... I can't zero in on one thing. And there are other times that I get so focused on one thing that I exclude everything else. I sure am glad that God keeps up with us better than that! How awesome that He is aware of every little detail of our lives and what we need.
Sometimes, we lose sight of the fact that God has a plan and purpose for our lives. We feel defeated, even worthless and of no value to ourselves or anyone else.
Lately, I have been valuing the freedom that I have. I have a niece that was just convicted in September of a crime and was given 23 to 29 years in prison. She was put in solitary confinement for the first 45 days and allowed out of her cell for only 15 minutes a day. She has lead a troubled life beginning from the break up of her parents when she was a child. She was a victim of date rape and has struggled with addictions. For sure, she has made some unwise choices in her life. We visited with her just before her court date and assured her that we were praying for her and loved her. She has four children with the youngest being seven. She has not seen him since he was five years old because she was in jail for two years before her trial. She told us her greatest regret was that she would not be able to see her children until they are adults. She has continually declared her innocence of the crime. We were shocked when she was found guilty and sentenced to such a long sentence.
Over the process of two years we have been writing back and forth and have had the occasion to visit her maybe three times. We write often and send money to help her buy things that she needs. When she does get a job in the prison, she can make one dollar a day. We received a letter from her recently describing the anguish that she felt when the judge handed down her sentence. She had written us the first of the year, excited about receiving Christ as her Lord and Saviour. She said if it had not been for our letters of encouragement in the Lord, she would have given up.
Sometimes we wonder about the purpose God has for us in our lives. How will she fare over the next twenty odd years of her life? Though she will lose the freedom of doing everything that we take for granted... will she find something more valuable? My prayer is that she will, and that she will not lose sight of the fact that God loves her dearly. My prayer is also that godly people will surround her and encourage her.
The Bible tells us that God will fulfill His purpose for us. Maybe you, like myself have been struggling with where you are in life. Maybe you, like me... sometimes feel that you have nothing to offer or give to others. But if you are breathing... God has a purpose for you. There is someone who needs what you have. There is someone that only you can touch and bring encouragement to. There is someone who needs to hear how God reached down and rescued you from a pit of destruction. God needs you!
Psalm 138 has brought encouragement to me in these words...
I will bow down toward your holy temple and will praise your name for your love and your faithfulness...
For You have exalted above all things your name and Your Word. When I called, You answered me; You made me bold and stouthearted.
Though the Lord is on high, He looks upon the lowly, but the proud He knows from afar. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You preserve my life; You stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes, with your right hand You save me.
The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; Your love, O Lord endures forever... do not abandon the works of your hands.
Psalm 138: 2-3, 6-8