Last weekend I was at a youth retreat, and God spoke to me in an incredible way. It was Saturday morning, and we were told to go out somewhere in the camp for quiet time to be with Jesus. I decided to go up to the gazebo, because I love looking out at the lake and God's beautiful creation. At this point I had no idea what passage I would read or what God wanted to say to me. Once there, I found a plaque explaining who the gazebo was dedicated to. At the bottom was a passage: Romans 12: 1-3. So I decided to read it. It was exactly what I needed to hear, verse two in particular:
"Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." - Romans 12:2
I love the idea of being transformed from the inside out... God taking the way I think and making me see through His eyes. It was a call to be counter-cultural and completely changed. It had a huge impact. But that's not even the best part of the story...
After about 45 minutes, we came back to the main building to have worship and a session. Our youth pastor gets up front and tells us the theme for the weekend: Romans 12:2. I was shocked. I quickly pulled out my Bible and checked to make sure it was the same verse I had underlined half an hour earlier. It was. Boy, by then I was overwhelmed by God's power to get my attention. Wow, oh wow. So the whole weekend was based around the verse that I had "stumbled" upon at the gazebo. God is so incredible. He will never stop amazing me. I encourage you to check out the whole chapter of Romans 12. It has some powerful stuff in there. And never doubt that God's ability to speak to us. He always wants to tell us things, but we have to make sure we're listening.