Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Gift of Thanks is the Heart of Worship

I breathe deep this morning, understanding in my heart that I was born to worship Him.  I was born to notice all the wonderful things about Him.  I was born to appreciate beauty....and He is Beauty.

And if we don't praise Him....the rocks will.  You should open your bible right now and read it.

Luke 19:37-40

Astonishing.  There------ I just need a minute to think about the overwhelming impact of all the things I've misunderstood about worship.  It begins with a seed just like everything else.  A seed of thanks, gratitude, acknowledgement...planted in the soil of faith, it takes root and grows into what?

Absolute Trust? Peace? Joy?  Can I even say it...Revival?  Does it burst into flame and ignite me...a part of the body of Christ (our church) into holy passionate worship of the Redeemer Himself?

Oh yes...all of these things.

We were at the ranch as a family.  We were part of a cross-cultural building team...building cross-cultural relationships with First Nations People while building cabins for a summer camp and ministry.
It was spring and before six am as I was walking the path to the kitchen where I was to get breakfast started for the crew.  As I came over the little hill...the sun burst forth I've quite never experienced before.  I could hardly take it in as I squirmed to grab my camera out of my bag!

Oh to see His beauty like that...His creation...a reflection of Himself...meant for me that morning and still not forgotten....

Praise His Holy Name in all the earth....