God does this in our life too where he we will "break" us to bring us back to Him. We can easily stray from God and He will never leave us and will pursue us. It's not easy to be "broken" and learn dependency on Christ once again. Sometimes it's a very difficult journey that takes us back to God's embrace.
I've been thinking alot about Psalm 23 and how God says He's our shepherd and gives us everything we need. This illustration of the sheep being carried on the shepherd's shoulders makes me think of the famous Psalm 23....
"yea though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me...."
God doesn't say we'll fly above the valley or go around it, but says we'll go through it.... the valley could be anything in our life like depression, divorce, financial struggles, death of a family member, etc. We need to walk through it for us understand dependence once again.... just like the sheep is carried on the shepherd's shoulders until he is healed.... only then it learns dependence.
I saved this rendition of Psalm 23 in my files and believe it was copied from "Girlfriends in God" devotion on Crosswalk. I wish I had written it down where it was from to give the author credit.
My Psalm 23
Lord, You are my Shepherd (You are my Identity)
I shall not want (You are my Provision)
You make me lie down in green pastures (You are my Rest)
You lead me beside the still waters (You are my Replenishment)
You restore my soul (You are my Healing)
You lead me in the paths of righteousness (You are my Guide)
For Your name's sake (You are my Purpose)
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (You are my Strength)
I will fear no evil (You are my Security)
For You are with me (You are my Peace)
Your rod and your staff they comfort me. (You are my Deliverer)
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies (You are my Hope)
You anoint my head with oil (You are my Blessing)
My cup runs over (You are my Abundance)
Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life (You are my Promise)
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord (You are my Destiny)
Forever You are my All in All!
How has God "broken" you to bring you back to him? Is there anything in your life that you're going through right now where you feel God next to you... walking through the valley?
Let God be all that he promises.... your security, hope, deliverer, healer, your peace, your guide, your resting place..... and YOUR SHEPHERD!
That version of Psalm 23 can be found at www.girlfriendsingod.com on 18/11/08. That devotional was written by Mary Southerland, but I'm not sure if she is the author. Hope that helps:)