Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Gift of Thanks is the Heart of Worship

I breathe deep this morning, understanding in my heart that I was born to worship Him.  I was born to notice all the wonderful things about Him.  I was born to appreciate beauty....and He is Beauty.

And if we don't praise Him....the rocks will.  You should open your bible right now and read it.

Luke 19:37-40

Astonishing.  There------ I just need a minute to think about the overwhelming impact of all the things I've misunderstood about worship.  It begins with a seed just like everything else.  A seed of thanks, gratitude, acknowledgement...planted in the soil of faith, it takes root and grows into what?

Absolute Trust? Peace? Joy?  Can I even say it...Revival?  Does it burst into flame and ignite me...a part of the body of Christ (our church) into holy passionate worship of the Redeemer Himself?

Oh yes...all of these things.

We were at the ranch as a family.  We were part of a cross-cultural building team...building cross-cultural relationships with First Nations People while building cabins for a summer camp and ministry.
It was spring and before six am as I was walking the path to the kitchen where I was to get breakfast started for the crew.  As I came over the little hill...the sun burst forth I've quite never experienced before.  I could hardly take it in as I squirmed to grab my camera out of my bag!

Oh to see His beauty like that...His creation...a reflection of Himself...meant for me that morning and still not forgotten....

Praise His Holy Name in all the earth....

Thursday, February 9, 2012

God Speaks, Calling

The Mighty One, God the LORD, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting. 
Psalm 50:1

Friday, February 3, 2012

Transformation Time

I am convinced that the only way to change my to change the way I think.   The only way to change the way I a constant "renewing" of my mind.   And so begins....Transformation.

Our wednesday morning Contacts group is memorizing Romans 12:1-2

I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
As I meditate through each phrase...I think about the words and what they mean.  I look at each sentence and I ask God to help me understand exactly what He wants me to know and how it applies to my life.  I  study the words from different word, three words, a sentence, a phrase, the paragraph, the chapter....and God reveals.
I am convinced that the best decisions I can make today concerning EVERYTHING are best made in the will of God...I mean...He says it right there....they're good, they're acceptable and they're perfect.
Who in their right mind...wouldn't want that?  And so more anxiety, worries and fears...and alot more trust which results in peace...again I say, "who in their right mind wouldn't want that?"

So, how do we change how we act and respond and live confidently in the will of God?  By not conforming to the way the world thinks and acts and by renewing our mind everyday with God's words.

Want to join us in memorizing Romans 12:1&2?
It's Transformation time.

Verses taken from the ESV words in italics are mine.

Friday, January 27, 2012

i LOVE ...

Because I love your commands more than gold, 
more than pure gold,
and because I consider all your precepts right,
I hate every wrong path.  
                                            Psalm 119:127,128 NIV

Sometimes I value other things more than what You say - what You've called me to, Jesus.
Why is that?

Is it because I don't really trust that you have my best in mind?
Is it that I don't want to wait for You to do it Your way?
Is there another reason? 

Show me areas in my life where I really am wearing this necklace close to my heart. Show me why.
Speak to me there.

Work in my heart so these verses are true in my life. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Garbage Day!

All week long we package up the filth...the dirty, the rotten, the dead and the broken.  It sits, waiting for that glorious day when the garbage man comes in his big green truck and takes it all away never to be seen in our house again.

 Thank you Jesus that we don't have to wait once a week (or sometimes 2 if it snows) to give you all that  smells of sin or garbage in our lives.  
When we bring it to You...You take it and You get rid of it.  
David says it the best in Psalm 51:1-3
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions.  Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin!
He speaks again in Psalm 103:12
As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us.
Thank you Jesus!

And thank you too for garbage's so nice to live in a place where we have that service!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Starting Today...

It's been too long since I stretched my heart out on this page...

The Lord...stirring something in me...brings life and truth and vision to upcoming days...I anticipate...

I wrote on the last page of a journal this morning...something so nostalgic for me in that feeling of seeing final words written there, and then the closing of the book.

  So I re-opened it and flipped through the recorded notes of my heart.  Happy to be passed some of the things I walked through on my journey but also intrigued by places that I was at, places that I want to hold on to and remember, that I don't want to forget.  Oh how the Lord meets us like no other.

So here it is...a prayer written from early summer...remembered to the Lord again.

"Lord, will you continue to blow soft your Spirit on the embers of my heart, on my husband's heart, my kid's hearts...fanning a flame that hungers more and more of you...unsatisfied by the empty pleasures and temptations and illusions of happiness that this present world suggests.  No, Lord...would it be that our hunger runs raw and deep for You--a love that satisfies, a trust that defeats fear...pure and holy.  That our family...a home full of imperfect people, could love you, grow closer to you...not fazed by illusions, not distracted with mirage--but could see You and be steadfast, confident in what is sure, what is true, what is beautiful...trusting, fearless, Divine inspired, Spirit directed, Truth focused and Graced Lavished.
I want this.  I want it for my marriage.  I want it for my kids.  I want it for our family and multiplied by generations.
And fear says to me, "What pain will we have to endure to have what I want, what I ask?"
Is pain the only way?
It ask for growth and it comes only through fear talks and it seems easier and less frightening to just ask for blessings and peace.
But I want Joy too.
Joy in the present and joy in the Presence of my Beloved Saviour.  Joy in obedience.  Joy in trusting, even when I feel afraid.
I want sweetness in the moment, anticipation that when I look at you Jesus, and look into your precious eyes for the first time, that I can look at you without fear, without shame, without regret....just joy.
I want more of you Jesus.
Breathe your Spirit of Life into me today.
Can I take just one day at a time?
  It's hard to look sometimes beyond today when the fear of the unknown future in these circumstances seems to loom in darkness up ahead...but,
I think I can do just one day at a time...

Lavished in Grace
Focused on Truth
Inspired by your Heart
Directed by your Spirit
Choosing to Trust you in Confidence
Free from Fear

Starting Today.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

His Name

It seems like these past few days I've been reminded over and over how powerful God's name is. Whether through songs or the theme at a prayer night or through verses... it just keeps showing up.

God's name is the most powerful thing. Ever.
He is our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Healer, Redeemer, Pursuer...
So many names to describe the all-powerful One who created each of us.

These two songs really spoke to me and reminded me of God's incredible name:

Your Name is a strong and mighty tower
Your Name is a shelter like no other
Your Name, let the nations sing it louder
'Cause nothing has the power to save
But Your Name

(Paul Baloche)

At Your name, the mountains shake and crumble
At Your name, the oceans roar and tumble
At Your name, angels will bow, the earth will rejoice
Your people cry out

At Your name, the morning breaks in glory
At Your name, creation sings Your story
At Your name, angels will bow, the earth will rejoice
Your people cry out

Lord of all the earth
We shout Your name, shout Your name
Filling up the skies
With endless praise, endless praise
Yahweh, Yahweh
We love to shout Your name, oh Lord

(Phil Wickham)

May you experience the power of God's name today.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Prayer for 2012

But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; 
let them ever sing for joy, 
and spread your protection over them,
that those who love your name may exult in you.

For you bless the righteous, O LORD; 
you cover him with favor as with a shield. 
                                                                          Psalm 5:11-12

Full featured double rainbow in Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, Alaska. Photo by Eric Rolph