Monday, August 31, 2009

Peace and Joy

"Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."
~Romans 5:1-4

Rejoice in our sufferings..... that's a tough one. It's not something that comes natural. Our human tendencies would be to get angry or frustrated.

Do I rejoice when I've had a summer like we've had? My husband and I were excited to finally get ahead in life when we sold our house and moved. We were excited when we were going to have money in a savings account in case of emergencies.... well, it's now since been dwindled with everything that's hit us....

First was the stove.... broke the first day of company..... next was our hot water tank.... broke the first day of our 2nd set of company..... third was our dog suddenly not able to walk and us needing an emergency vet visit... fourth was our computer crashing and needing to replace it... fifth was our modem for the computer..... kicked the bucket.... daughter's bike broke so she's riding mine.... van repair bills.... the list goes on....

What we've experienced this summer is not a suffering like some of you may have experienced like the loss of a family member or friend. Perhaps even the loss of a marriage or friendship. Some might say that what my family went through is not even considered suffering. Regardless, God asks us to rejoice in our circumstances...

Is that easy? It's definitely not. Each day my husband and I committed our finances to Him and asked for guidance to make the right choices in our purchases for our new home. All the things we were hoping to provide our family with didn't happen. Because we were hit with all these unexpected big expenses, it showed us once again that God is in control. We can have all our ducks lined up but God rearranges them his way. We see that God is still faithful. Yesterday I felt our fridge warming up quite quickly and I prayed in earnest that God could fix that. Might seem silly but God heard my prayer about the fridge and it's now working.

Why do I need to rejoice through all this? Sufferings produce perseverance, perseverance produces character and character produces hope. Hope doesn't disappoint us because God poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

Through all our life journeys, sufferings come in many different ways. Each of us handles it differently. My encouragement to you is to praise God and rejoice in Him when going through trials because you'll come out a much stronger person in the end. It's not easy going through the tough times. This summer I've shed many tears over all these unexpected financial expenses. They've completely dwindled our savings... what we wanted to have for backup is now gone and we're in complete dependence on God's provisions if we have any more big expenses. Somehow we get through each day with God taking us one step at a time through our sufferings.

What is robbing you of your joy in Christ?
What does suffering look like for you?
Where are you in your journey? Are you in the middle of the trial or have you come through that difficult time? How have you changed?
What encouragement can you give someone you know who is going through a difficult time?
How can you rejoice for your trials or sufferings? What can you praise God for today?

Don't let Satan use your trials to take your eyes off Jesus.... He's our hope.

Friday, August 28, 2009

God Is For Us

"If God is for us, who can be against us?
He who did not spare his own Son
but gave him up for us all,
how will he not also with him (Christ) graciously give us all things?" Romans 8:31b-32

Thank You Father, that you are for us. You are not against us; You are not against us at all. Forgive us for believing the lies the enemy whispers to our hearts that You - our Saviour! - are against us. What a crazy, twisted thought! Help us to be aware of the fact that it's the enemy who is against us but You are for us! How great is that!

For you say,
"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?
And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father.
But even the hairs of your head are all numbered.
Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. Matthew 10:29-30

You're mindful of each little bird that falls. You have a tally of how many hairs are attached to my scalp -knowing how many went down the shower drain and how many were left in my hair brush. Minute details! Surely, my concerns are known to You then. Surely Your eye is on me - the one You gave Your only Son for - and You care for me!

You say "Fear not, therefore." Because of my great value (in Your loving eyes), and your infinite care, knowledge and wisdom, greatness, power and authority, You say I don't need to be afraid.
So, Father, right now I give You this concern - this fear - that's been on my mind and heart. (I've brought Him mine. You tell Him yours as well - each one.)

You often say, "Don't be afraid! or "Believe!" Father, help me to believe Your great and precious promises that You've made to us as your children. May we believe YOU! Not our feelings, not our past negative experiences, not the lies, but only You. Speak truth to me about my concerns/fears.

Bring my heart into the truth. Help me to walk in confidence that You love me, and that Your care for me is so great, that at any second of any day You know the trivial of how many hairs are on my head.

Let's trust God together and encourage each other to trust Him. He is so very worthy of our trust.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Honey, Eat Just Enough!

The other day while shopping at the farmers market downtown, my husband and I came across the best tasting honey in Abbotsford. It was home-made blueberry honey. We bought a couple of jars, one for myself and one for my brother who was coming for a visit. There is something so appealing about honey... even the jar looks attractive that it comes in. Far more interesting though, is that the bees do all the work for us to make the honey. Oh, there is a process after that before it gets into the jar... but the bees do all the work for that to happen.

I was reading in Proverbs 25 this week and it spoke about eating too much...

"It is not good to eat too much honey, nor is it honorable to seek one's own honor." Proverbs 25:27

"If you find honey, eat just enough--too much of it and you will vomit." Proverbs 25:16

And in the next verse, in Proverbs 25:17, it says;
" Seldom set foot in your neighbors house--too much of you and he will hate you."

I just found it interesting how close this verse was to eating too much honey...

Sometimes I wonder if I am not getting what God wants me to get when I read His Word. Could you relate honey with other things.... like knowledge... the Bible says it is good to get wisdom and knowledge. But too much of the wrong kind of knowledge is not good for you. Can you know too much... Could that be why a neighbor or friend might hate you. I have a friend who went through a devastating situation in her marriage... her husband was in the present state of being unfaithful and she had just found out. Her daughter called my husband and I, and in the background, I could hear my friend sobbing uncontrollably. My friend would not talk to me. Eventually, the husband came back and the two of them began the work of restoring their marriage. But, my friend had been shamed and she basically closed herself off to even her closest friends. She shut her front door, packed up her household items, sold her house and moved away. She wouldn't answer the phone, she didn't have email and she didn't answer letters. We had been friends for over 30 years. Somehow, I think I knew too much. Our relationship has been restored now... but it has taken years for her to work through the shame and sorrow of what happened to her. It wasn't just me she shut out of her life... it was most everyone that knew her.

What would it be like to go back to a simpler life, without CNN or CBC , without Internet, without the daily newspaper, without cell phones, without television even; would my lack of knowledge lower my stress level? We have been given access to so much information, it can be overwhelming at times.

On the other hand... it can also simplify our lives if we don't take in too much of it. I found it incredibly awesome to be able to call BCAA on my cell phone when we were ten hours away from home and our car broke down on the highway this past weekend.

So, my prayer for you today is.. that you would eat just enough honey, whether it is in your tea, or on your toast with butter, placing the Word of God before you like a candle burning. My prayer also, is that you would place all of the cares of this world into His hands... He is our only Peace, our Comforter, our Shield and our Protector.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Empty Words

For it is no empty word for you, but your very life! Deuteronomy 32:47

Moses spoke these words to the people of Israel after he had recited the word of the Lord to them, warning them to listen and to obey. The word of God is life. Giving true life, abundant life. The ink blots on the paper in the book are not just words on a page, inanimate, idle, without action. They are our very life. And by them we live. "For it is no empty word for you, but your very life, and by this word you shall live long in the land that you are going over the Jordan to possess."

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

I would contend that not many words are empty. It was words that brought the creation into being. With words dry bones became flesh and blood, a dead man was brought back to life, a storm was calmed, sight was restored. It was also words that caused 2 she-bears to tear up forty-two young boys, brothers and their descendants to contend with each other throughout history, a man to displace himself from the fellowship of the disciples. Words make a difference. The things we say matter. Words of blessing, words of cursing.

Ok, this thing about the weather. I grew up in a desert climate, and I loved the sun, the light, the warmth, even the heat. But because the summers were long and very hot, I used to look forward to the Fall, when things would cool off a bit and it would actually rain a little. It was my favorite time of year, a change of season.

Now I live in an un-desert-like place where it rains frequently, even in the summer (if you can imagine that!) I have realized that for the past couple of years, I have become more and more ticked about rainy weather, and I actually dread the winter. I don't want summer to end and fall sucks because it means that winter's on the way, and being cold is not something that I enjoy.

I realize that this is stupid. Why should I waste the beautiful days of summer dreading the coming of fall and winter. Fall and winter come every year and there's not much I can do about that. Why should the weather control any part of my emotional well-being? I should be able to thank God for the cold, gray, wet skies of winter as much as I do the bright, warm, sunny days of summer.

So I asked him what the deal was. Why do I feel this way, Lord?
Is it just because I'm a California girl at heart? - No
Is it just how I'm made? Lizards and snakes are made to need to bask in the sun. - No
Don't cloudy, gray days make everybody depressed? - No
Isn't winter just a product of "the fall" anyway? (Think about it. Adam and Eve were naked!) - No

None of the above. My sweet saviour revealed to me that my not-so-empty words have brought this about in me.
"I hate being cold."
"I hate winter."
"Why can't I live in a place where it doesn't rain all the time?"
"I can't handle the cold."
"I'm happiest in summer."

These words, spoken out loud, were anything but empty, meaningless, idle. No, by speaking them, I brought cursing upon myself, allowing the enemy to have influence over me in the way I think and respond to the weather. By speaking these words, I was in agreement with lies and the Father of Lies. These words aren't in agreement with the Word of God, which gives life and is my life. God changes times and seasons. He created the weather. Rain is a gift from God on dry, thirsty land. And so on and on.

Praise God that he has provided a way for us through Jesus Christ, who became a curse for us, to be free from the results of our negative words. All I had to do was repent (recognize that I had made a negative confession), revoke it (unsay, or cancel it), and replace it with a confession of the truth, putting myself in agreement with God and his word. Halleluiah! I can honestly say today I am unaffected by the gray, cloudy weather outside and that I am actually enjoying it. My heart is light and I am almost :) looking forward to the Fall. I think it's okay to still really love bright, warm, sunny weather!

His word is my very life.

Monday, August 24, 2009

My week hasn't gone so well. Besides a visit from my friend who totally uplifted me and made me feel refreshed to taken on parenting again, I have played referee between all my children. I have one daughter with a hot temper who seems to like to take matters into her own hands and decide to "parent" with aggression instead of her words. She gets frustrated with me that I put her brother on time outs and thinks he deserves more than that for what he did to make her angry. As a result she will walk over to him and give him a punch or push. He doesn't want to let her get away with it so it goes back and forth. As a result of taking things into their own hands, there are tougher consequences.

As a parent it sure is frustrating to have things like this happen. We punish our children because we love them and want to teach them the difference between right and wrong. Our job is to direct and teach our children to make wise choices and that if we choose something else that there are consequences to our actions. We have rules as guidelines on how to live.

We as adults are actually no different than my daughter and son who take matters into their own hands. Our Father grieves and hurts when we choose to disobey and not trust. My daughter didn't trust that I would discipline accordingly and we do that to Jesus. How often do we wait and wait for answers and because we don't receive them in our timing, take things into our own hands? This leads to severe consequences in some cases and it takes a while for us to get back on track.

When we wait on the Lord we find how rewarding it is to trust. It's not easy when things are answered the way we aren't expecting or we have planned. God is perfect and his plans are perfect. Unlike us as parents, we make mistakes when directing our children. The consequences we place on the actions aren't always the right ones and sometimes we need to apologize for our actions. God doesn't make mistakes in his directions. We make the wrong choices and the mistakes.

Here's a couple verses of the many God put in His word to encourage us to wait on Him:

Psalm 25:5 (NIV)
"guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.

Psalm 27:14 (NIV)
"Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD."

Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)
"but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

Don't take things into your own hands but wait for the rewards of God's answers. They might not always be how we want them to be but they're for our best. Just as a Mother and Father direct our children, allow God to direct your paths and trust in His timing. God says in Isaiah 40:31 that if you hope in the Lord you will renew your strength. You will soar on wings like eagles. You will run and not grow weary, walk and not be faint. Embrace Him and entrust your cares to Jesus.

Friday, August 21, 2009

My grace deck

We built out our deck a couple of years ago. Made it really big. We got it done in time for the two summer weddings we had at our house. We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. Its size isn't the problem, it's the amount of frustration and time and labour and problem- solving we've had to put into it. I called it "my deck from hell" because of all the "what could go wrong, went wrong" problems we've experienced.

Two summers later - that would be now - we've had to do a "re and re" (as my husband calls it) on our deck. Re and re means remove and replace. So here we were this summer with this long drawn out re and re which was estimated to be a two day project. At the peak of the problem... let me rephrase that... at one of the key problems, when I was talking about my deck from hell... the Lord spoke to me. I had this conviction that it's all about grace. It's about extending grace, receiving grace and trusting in God's grace. So at that point in time, I began to refer to my deck as my grace deck. Am I ever glad I changed the name to my grace deck! This refocusing would prove to carry me through more difficulties.

This week was finally the week that we were able to get beyond the first re to the second re. Replacing. Wednesday night I flopped into bed exhausted after working the previous day, and all that day from 7:30 until midnight. I needed some encouragement. The "random" verse I read in a book I flipped open was
James 1:2-4
"Consider it a sheer gift, friends (Amity), when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colours. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. So let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way."

As I was falling asleep and throughout the night, the Lord kept on saying to me,
"My grace is sufficient for you."
The song,
"Your grace is enough
Your grace is enough
Your grace is enough for me" also kept going through my mind.

Thursday morning was the ultimate test. My neck ached and underneath my fingernails were so sore from all the work, that I could barely move my fingers and couldn't bear to think we were going at it again. And we were only a third of the way through! (Maybe the size of the deck is one of the problems!)

Then I read Sweet Freedom's post. "Grace and Joy and Peace... who wants to live without it?" Did I ever need grace and joy and peace... especially that morning. We had arranged to begin working Thursday at 1 pm, so I had the morning to bawl my eyes out. I went for a walk with my mom, to loosen up a bit and to whine and cry. I read the post and cried, and continued to cling to God's promise of His grace. And I made it through another 8 hours of intense work yesterday afternoon and evening.

I will continue to trust God for His grace as we're far from done with dealing with our deck. My grace deck is more than a future lovely addition to enjoy, but it's about learning about God's character - learning about God's grace.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Grace and Joy and Peace...who wants to live without it?

Thinking about the grace of God today and the joy that comes from knowing Jesus.

Ephesians 2:4-7

But because of his great love for us,
God, who is rich in mercy,
made us alive with Christ
even when we were dead in trangressions--
it is by grace you have been saved.
And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him
in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus,
in order that in the coming ages
he might show the incomparable riches
of his grace,
expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.

Oh and I love this....because Colossians 1:13-14 says...

For he has rescued us
from the dominion of darkness
and brought us into the kingdom
of the Son he loves,
in whom
we have redemption,
the forgiveness of sins.

May the knowledge of his grace and love and peace bring you joy today.

For the Joy of the Lord is your Him for that strength and rest in the grace that is ours through his beautiful life and sacrifice for us.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

That You Should Be Mine

Reading the Old Testament can be challenging at times, but I have come to love it. When read with New Testament understanding, in the light of Jesus as its aim and fulfillment, it comes alive with the character of our God who really is the same today as he was all those very many years ago.

You have to admit that some of the Old Testament laws and regulations are a little weird. Some of them make you wonder what the Israelites were thinking in the first place if God had to tell them that such and such was a no-no. Really – don’t have sex with your father’s wife or your sister or your dog? I guess people, if left to themselves, and the influence of the ruler of this world, will do just about anything. In fact, that’s what the people of Canaan were known for – evil practices, abominations in the eyes of God, done in the name of worship to their pagan gods.

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is like no other god. The God of Israel has a different way of doing life, different rules to make life work, different rules of worship so that his people would be like him and would not participate in the abominable practices of the surrounding nations.

I am the Lord your God. You shall not do as they do in the land of Egypt, where you lived, and you shall not do as they do in the land of Canaan, to which I am bringing you. You shall not walk in their statues. You shall follow my rules and my statutes and walk in them. I am the Lord your God. Leviticus 18:3-4

I am the Lord your God, who have separated you from the peoples. You shall therefore separate the clean beast from the unclean…You shall be holy to me, for I the Lord am holy and have separated you from the peoples, that you should be mine. Leviticus 20:24-26

That you should be mine. Listen to the heart of God in that statement.

That you should be mine.

That same God says to you today, “I am the Lord your God. I want you. I want you to be mine. Your acceptance of the sacrifice of my Son makes you holy to me, separated out from the others, mine.”

Oh Lord, I am yours! I belong to you. May I walk in the joyful confidence of knowing that I am wanted by the Most High God.

(a recycled post due to cramps and lack of foresight)

Monday, August 17, 2009

The need for perfection

I've spent alot of time in my bathing suit this summer. I have only sisters and amongst us there's always been some silent "competition" in regards to appearances. My self image always goes down when I'm around my thinner sisters who look amazing in bathing suits. I am the 2nd largest of us girls and it's very difficult to admit that. I feel like a fat beluga next to them when in a bathing suit or any clothing that I wear. I wish my self-confidence was higher around my own family.

Last weekend we spent with friends at the lakeside letting kids build sandcastles and swim in the lake. I braved a bathing suit in front of my friend for the first time ever and felt pretty good. I normally will only wear a bathing suit around people I don't know and my immediate family. I was feeling so good that I asked my husband to take a picture of my friend and I in the water. I saw myself on the computer screen when I had downloaded the pictures.... I barely recognized myself... where did all the cellullite come from? Where did the big thighs come from? Was there some camera tricks that were done to make me look that way? Do I really look like that? I can't remember when my body changed to look the way it does! There's rolls and flab everywhere!

I actually was grossed out and edited the pictures so I wouldn't have to have anyone look at those pictures and see how horrible I look. I cropped the pictures so I would only have anyone see the parts of me that I am okay showing.

Yesterday I awoke to a huge zit on my chin that was so big it needed to be popped. Today I went to church with a huge scab on my chin and feeling like the entire church was staring at this huge zit. To top it off there was a family picnic where I was going to be meeting people and talking to them. Everyone is going to see this and not see me but this huge zit that is scabbed! I wanted to skip church and stay home for the day, skip the picnic so I wouldn't have to face anyone. I want people to meet me when I'm feeling like I look good. I wanted myself to look perfect before I meet anyone. This zit ruined everything! I knew it wouldn't be fair to my kids if I stayed home so I went....

What drives our need for perfection? What creates our self image? Why can I not be happy with who God made me to be.... after all I am made in His image? Why do I choose to slap him in the face and say he messed up with certain parts of my body?

I wrote about this topic a couple weeks ago. Body image is something that is so important and Satan can use it to tear us down and make us feel low and worthless. This is an ongoing issue for me and it only arises when it comes to needing to be in bathing suit.

What does God say about me when Satan's words are lies echoing in my head?

1 Samuel 16:7
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Dear God, fill my mind with scripture when Satan throws lies at me that I am worthless and ugly and that I do not compare to others around me. Fill me with self confidence and a peace that you have created me in your image. I am not a mistake. You chose me and knit me together perfectly and help me Lord to honor you and glorify you in my body. Let me see that beauty is in the heart.... where you look. Forgive me Jesus when I hurt you with these lies that my body isn't perfect. You are perfect and if I am created in your image help me reflect that to others. Thank you that you created me perfectly. I ask Jesus, for confidence as this is an area I struggle with. Amen.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Don't Doubt in the Darkness

This morning was a cloudy, misty morning where I live. I couldn't see the distant mountains, and all the summer colours were muted in the mist. When fall approaches, a thick morning fog often blocks the spectacular view from our sight. Some days it stays foggy all day, and even though it's a gloriously sunny day just 1 km up the road from us, I wouldn't know it if I didn't get out or listen to the weather report. Let me tell you... that's happened, and that's depressing!

Misty days... rainy days...foggy days. (My appologies if I'm depressing you with these words.) I liken them to doubt days. Days when faith doesn't come easy... days when we stumble and falter. Days when we wonder if God loves us, or cares about us, or if we're going to make it.

When clouds cover the sun, we still know the sun is out there... somewhere. In the dark of night, the moon and stars are still out there...somewhere. In troubles, trials, or tragedy, God is still with us. He's not out there... somewhere; He's close...He's holding you.

This is where walking by faith carries us through, doesn't it? We need faith as we live here on this earth, at this time. I agree with Satisfied's sentiments as she wrote on Tuesday, "I cannot wait until... we don't have to live by faith anymore, but will see face to face." How wonderful will that be?! I can hardly wait, too! But for now... we live by faith.

This song from the record "Hoping and Coping" by Salmond & Mulder (way back in 1981), is an encouragement to me when fears or worries cloud my faith.

Never doubt in the darkness
What God has shown you
in the light
Never doubt in the darkness
What God has shown you
in the light
Fear may come to trouble you
And you may not see too clearly
As it tries to take the little
faith you know
So never doubt in the darkness
What God has shown you in
the light

This short song with its simple tune has given me courage over and over again. Sisters.... friends... what you know on the sunny days is as true on the dark days. The weather doesn't change the fact that the sun still shines. And our feelings can't change God's promises. Cling to what God has shown you in the light.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Thirsty Soul

I awoke this morning to the pitter- patter of rain against the window... It was a good sound because we still desperately need rain. It is so nourishing to the dryness of the forest and trees and other flowers and plants. My husband planted a huge planter of corn on our deck. We have watched it grow from tiny, tiny little fragile feathery looking leaves... to huge stalks with tassels and corn now very evident. Some told us it would never produce corn... that we might get the stalks... but not the corn. But we can see corn.

It has been fascinating to watch this corn grow. My husband was away for two weeks during the hottest part of July and I was in charge of watching over his little garden. We do not have a large garden because we do not have a lot of space, but he experimented this year by putting seeds and plants in huge planters on our deck. So, on our deck, we have potatoes growing, corn growing, green beans, strawberries, cherry tomatoes and cantaloupe. During the very, very hot days, I would watch those plants soak up water as though they were gulping it. Some days, the plants would look a little wilted and I would pray that they would spring forth with new life again. It was amazing to see the plants stand tall the next morning after a little water and the cool of the night to refresh them. My neighbor said that on the hottest days, he had to water his plants in the morning and again at night.

That is what it is like when we refresh ourselves with the Word of the Lord. It nourishes us and refreshes our soul. And sometimes, when we are especially wilted by the cares of the world, we need to drench ourselves in the Word. We need to drench ourselves... and pray.

"As for God, His way is perfect, the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him. Psalm 18:30

If we soak in his Word as water soaking the roots of our souls... this is what he will do for us...

"It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to stand on the heights. He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze. You give me your shield of victory, and your right hand sustains me; you stoop down to make me great. You broaden the path beneath me so that my ankles do not turn." Psalm 18: 32-36

"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God." Psalm 42:1

Just as our soul gulps for water to soothe the dryness of our throats... there are days that we need to gulp the Word of God as though our lives depended on it. And yes... our lives do depend on it. Without the refreshing of the Word of God, without the drinking of water, we put ourselves in grave danger. Even if we are not able to read the Word of God on certain days, we can pray and hold fast to the Word that is hidden in our hearts. We can stand firm in the truth that we know. It will hold us until we can saturate ourselves again... But don't go too long or you will become wilted and weak like a plant without water...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Treasure Hunting

The women in my family are treasure hunters. We love thrift shopping.
My little daughter, has come by it quite naturally I must say, through happy and successful experiences with her grandmothers, auntie and of course, myself. It is one of her delights.

Yesterday, she woke up intently desiring to find treasure. By early afternoon, she had talked my sister and I into taking her out thrift shopping. It was worth the hunt. She came home with what she had been looking for...some newborn clothes that would fit her doll. I have a thing for coloured glass and found 2 cool pieces to add to my collection. My sister wasn't looking for anything in particular I don't think, but ended up with a gorgeous lamp and some other little treasures.

Because Jesus is with me wherever I go, I'm always talking to him. Treasure hunting is no exception. I'm always asking Jesus to help me find show me where to look..asking him what he's gonna show me today. I'm thrilled when I see something that lights up my eyes, whether its for me or somebody else....I feel like he's walked me right to it. Really!!! It's the best feeling.

As I look at the little treasures scattered around the room...I can't help but think of Jesus and all the times he's been with me helping me in my hunt.

As I picked up my Bible this morning....I couldn't help but think the same thing. His Word, the Truth, is so full of treasure. He reveals that treasure to me in exactly the same way....and it's so much more satisfying than the rest of my little delights.

When we intently desire to know and understand what God's truth is in the Bible and what it means and how it applies to our life today...He just can't wait to show us. What He reveals to us though, isn't just simply useful or pretties.....It's Life!!!

John 1:4&5 says...

In him was life, and the life was the light of men.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

Think about that. I love it.

He is my Light. He is Life inside of me and darkness cannot overcome Him. He is my Treasure, my Joy, and my Hope. He is my Light. He is my Life.

The next time you open your Bible to read a few words...don't just open it up and simply read. Open it up and ask Jesus to show you treasure.

Happy hunting.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I Can Hardly Wait

I mean it, Lord. It's so hard to wait sometimes.

I cannot wait until...

* the father of lies is fully done away with.
* truth is all there is to know. No more conflicting reports and information to try to figure out.
* Jesus Christ is revealed for all to see who he really is, and not who people have misconstrued him to be.
* grace reigns.
* the people of God are set free from the constraints of this world.
* we know in full, instead of in part.
* every knee bows at the name of Jesus.
* we don't have to live by faith anymore, but will see face to face.
* we can buy food without money.
* women see men and men see women as the highly valuable, respectable, glorified children of the Most High God that they are and honor each other because of it.
* justice is served by the God who invented it.
* the race is finally over, and the people of God can rest.
* we see the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband, and behold that the dwelling place of God is with us. He dwells with us, and we are his people, and God himself is with us as our God. (Sure sounds like he wants to be with us!) He wipes away every tear from our eyes, and death is no more, neither is there mourning nor crying nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.

But Lord, even as we long for these things to take place, may we experience in this world the satisfaction and delight of knowing you now, of being loved now, provided for now, comforted now, esteemed now. You are our hope and strength and salvation.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." ~ Isaiah 30:21

God is always there. He's wants what is best for us. I just wanted to encourage you with that reminder that He sees all the choices we make and knows them all even before we make them. Choose wisely.... walk in HIS footsteps.

How did Jesus walk? Are you walking with Jesus?

Friday, August 7, 2009

Yes, Jesus loves me

Jesus loves me
this I know
for the Bible tells me so.

You know the song. Little kids sing it in Sunday School. Picture them singing this song with everything they've got. "YES! Jesus loves meeeee! YES!!! Jesus loves meeee!"

Many artists have recorded this song. I'm listening to Aaron Neville's recording as I write this post today. It's a simple song - with profound truth. If we truly believed even this one line of the song, we'd be forever changed and experience true freedom.

Jesus loves me. This I know. Do you know this? Not just in your head, but so deep in your heart that it makes you feel giddy in love. That's what I'm talking about to know this love. We've seen people discover being loved and realizing they also love the person. Their faces glow. They can't keep from smiling. Troubles aren't as troubling because the love they are experiencing simply causes them to rise above them. Their heart is light for they know that they are loved... delighted in... seen as wonderful... precious. They are wanted - desired.

Jesus loves us like that - more than that. Think about it. If a love between people can be so strong, how could the love of the LOVER be anything but infinitely greater? Ohhh, please hear me. This is the one thing in life that you need to know - that I need to know. Jesus loves me. God loves me... with an undying love - with a love that can never be quenched. His faithful love endures forever.

For the Bible tells me so. All of Scripture points to Christ. It's all about the love of God shown to us through Christ. For the Bible tells me so. Sister... friend... if what you think in your heart doesn't match what God says in His Word, it's we who have to change our mind. If deep down inside, you just don't think God's great love applies to you personally (even though you know it in your head)... go to God and ask Him to show you why you aren't free to accept this as true for yourself. I've done this. I know my sisters at Soul Kitchen have done this - some of us have asked God together - and we continue to do this when we somehow, in the deep places of our hearts, can't agree with God's word... or don't experience it to be true in our lives.

Do you understand what I'm saying here? It's all about knowing that Jesus loves me. Jesus loves ________ . Put your own name in there. Jesus loves you. Do you know it? The Bible says this is so - God says so. So... if you don't know it deep down, ask God to show you what it is that is keeping you from knowing His love. You can do it right now as you sit by your computer.

Father, show me why I don't really trust that you truly love me. What is keeping me from believing that this is true for me? I seem to know that you love others, but somehow, sometimes I feel disqualified. Why is that? (Listen for the answer.)

What's He saying to you? So many times it's a lie we believe that keeps us from believing the truth. Was it a lie He revealed? You know what we have to do with lies, don't you? We renounce them. We no longer agree with the lie. Then we can ask Jesus what the truth is. What is the truth, Jesus? (Listen for it!) We want to agree with truth. Let's agree with the truth God shows us according to His word. Almost all the time, it's a lie I have believed that keeps me from being able to believe and live the truth.

Get someone who is spiritually mature to pray with you through this and the other things that God brings to your attention as you walk through life. God wants us to freely live and walk in the truth. He is for you and loves you! We are for you too, friends!

Once again the prayer that we have quoted so often here on Soul Kitchen, we pray this for you our sisters and friends who read our blog, and we pray this for ourselves...

"And I pray that you (yes, you!)
being rooted and established in love,
may have power, together with all the saints,
to grasp how wide and long
and deep and wide
is the love of Christ,
and to know this love that surpasses knowledge -
that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."
Ephesians 3:17b-19

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Back in Time

"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light".
Matthew 11:28-30(NIV)

John W Peterson wrote a hymn in 1958. As I reflect on the words of the song, it reminds me of my journey. I was 10 years old, a stranger in this world, and carrying a burden a child should never have to carry.

"A pilgrim was I and a wandering
In the cold night of sin I did roam,
When Jesus the kind Shepherd found me
And now I am on my way home..."

From the time I was a small child, our family was continually on the move. By the time I was 13, I had been enrolled in 7 different schools. We finally settled down in one place but by that time my traveler's backpack was full of stuff, some of it too dirty or shameful to touch. I was continually looking in at it through the eyes of a child and shoving other stuff on top of it; hoping it would just go away. I didn’t dare bring it out of the bag… what a mess that would be. So I kept it hidden deep down in the bottom. And yes, I guarded that bag with my life. I couldn’t share with anyone what was in the bag for fear I would get a beating. Or even worse, the looks of accusation, or you brought this on yourself. As a child, I knew the cost of exposure... so I pondered things in my heart.

By the time I entered high school, the weight of that bag became almost too heavy to bear. I now clung to it so tightly that if anyone got too close to me I would put the bag between myself and them. I could not take the bag to my parents… they would just shove it in with all of their bags and blame me for adding to their burdens. As I began to figure all of this out, I realized it was best to keep the bag hidden… or at least put some sort of cover over it and make it as attractive as possible. I camouflaged it with smiles, and laughter, and smiley faces. I would shove my school books in on top of my gym strip and hope that no one would notice that my backpack was bulging at the seams.

That’s how Jesus found me...alone, desperate, and in the dark with a pack so
heavy it brought me to my knees. Jesus tried to convince me to give it to
Him… but I was fearful. I had never trusted anyone before. So I kept holding on to the bag.

Day after day Jesus came to me until one day I saw the deep compassion and sorrow of His heart. He loved me... He felt my pain... He knew what was in the bag and He loved me anyway. As He took the weight of it all upon His shoulders, I felt free for the first time in my life. Free from the sins of others… and free from my own sins.

Romans 4:7-8 says,"Blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him"(NIV).

How wonderful to walk in freedom! Why are we so prone to fill up another backpack of smelly stuff. What are you carrying around that is so heavy on your heart… the very thought of it brings feelings of nausea and despair. Let it go. Give it to the One who loves you like no other.

Jesus says, "Come... ".

A recycled post written by Pilgrims Heart on November 19, 2008

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I Need A Conversation....

I love the change of pace that summer brings...a much needed break. With the kids not in school, mornings are more relaxed and there's no lunches to make. I love sitting out on the patio. I love camping. Call me crazy, but I actually even love the heat. I just love summer.

But there are some things I miss in the summer. I miss conversations.

Don't get me wrong...I still talk to people in the's just that, I miss sitting around a table on a regular basis talking to people about Jesus...hearing what He's teaching you, rejoicing in a blessing, praying for a need....experiencing together the joy and grace of his relationship with us.

In my time with Jesus this morning...we were reading in John, and specifically John 1:16

And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. ESV

From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. NIV

Beth Moore writes:

The original word for "blessing" is charis, often translated "grace." This explains the King James rendering: "And of his fulness have all received, and grace for grace." Charis is "that which causes joy, pleasure, gratification, favor, acceptance...a benefit...the absolutely free expression of the loving kindness of God to men finding its only motive in the bounty and benevolence of the Giver; unearned and unmerited favor."

I wrote in my journal...."What would be different if I lived everyday, so much in God's grace, his blessing, his charis, that I never thought otherwise? Oh Jesus, I know that I have received your grace...sometimes I just don't act like it and my mind forgets it. My heart knows that there is no other pursuit other than a precious relationship with you that brings true joy. And then, every other joy and blessing I experience, is even sweeter because I get to share that moment with You."

If you've got the to me. Tell me how you have experienced God's charis in your life lately.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Wanted: Dead and Alive

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

For I have died and my life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is my life appears, then I also will appear with him in glory. Colossians 3:3-4

Wow. Say that out loud a few times.

Say it slowly, phrase by phrase. Let it sink in.

Lord God, root this truth deep into my inner being.

Reveal to me why having been crucified with Christ matters.

Bring these words to mind throughout my day when I need to remember them, that I may walk them - that by knowing and believing this truth, I will live this day differently.

Lord, your word is life to me! Amen.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Jeremiah 31:3
The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness."

This past weekend I had family visit me and we spent alot of time together. The thing with anyone that you spend alot of time with, it's easy towards the end to get on each other's nerves and things can result in little squabbles or arguments. I had a great time full of positive conversations and memories. I did have two small arguements with a sister but I find because it's my sister that it's so much easier to move on past these things.

I thought about the love of our Great God! How easy it is for us as humans when we get angry with a friend that we find it hard to forgive and friendships can be lost over hurts. In my case family members are the easiest to forgive instead of holding grudges. Depending on how deep the hurt is, for me friendships have been lost over grudges and past offences. God doesn't hold grudges. The more time we spend with God, we don't get to the point of butting heads and become arguementative. It's the complete opposite with God. The more time we spend with God the more we see how he loves us.

I put Jeremiah 31:3 up top to remind us that God loves us enough to reach out and draw us to him. He doesn't hold grudges or fume over past offences but he forgives and forgets each sin when we repent. He's the only person in our lifetime that we'll meet that will ever have a relationship with us that will forgive us when we repent.

Do you know Jesus? Do you know the real love of our Father? Have you experienced his forgiveness? If not, embrace this Great God. You won't be sorry.