For it is no empty word for you, but your very life! Deuteronomy 32:47
Moses spoke these words to the people of Israel after he had recited the word of the Lord to them, warning them to listen and to obey. The word of God is life. Giving true life, abundant life. The ink blots on the paper in the book are not just words on a page, inanimate, idle, without action. They are our very life. And by them we live. "For it is no empty word for you, but your very life, and by this word you shall live long in the land that you are going over the Jordan to possess."
For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12
I would contend that not many words are empty. It was words that brought the creation into being. With words dry bones became flesh and blood, a dead man was brought back to life, a storm was calmed, sight was restored. It was also words that caused 2 she-bears to tear up forty-two young boys, brothers and their descendants to contend with each other throughout history, a man to displace himself from the fellowship of the disciples. Words make a difference. The things we say matter. Words of blessing, words of cursing.
Ok, this thing about the weather. I grew up in a desert climate, and I loved the sun, the light, the warmth, even the heat. But because the summers were long and very hot, I used to look forward to the Fall, when things would cool off a bit and it would actually rain a little. It was my favorite time of year, a change of season.
Now I live in an un-desert-like place where it rains frequently, even in the summer (if you can imagine that!) I have realized that for the past couple of years, I have become more and more ticked about rainy weather, and I actually dread the winter. I don't want summer to end and fall sucks because it means that winter's on the way, and being cold is not something that I enjoy.
I realize that this is stupid. Why should I waste the beautiful days of summer dreading the coming of fall and winter. Fall and winter come every year and there's not much I can do about that. Why should the weather control any part of my emotional well-being? I should be able to thank God for the cold, gray, wet skies of winter as much as I do the bright, warm, sunny days of summer.
So I asked him what the deal was. Why do I feel this way, Lord?
Is it just because I'm a California girl at heart? - No
Is it just how I'm made? Lizards and snakes are made to need to bask in the sun. - No
Don't cloudy, gray days make everybody depressed? - No
Isn't winter just a product of "the fall" anyway? (Think about it. Adam and Eve were naked!) - No
None of the above. My sweet saviour revealed to me that my not-so-empty words have brought this about in me.
"I hate being cold."
"I hate winter."
"Why can't I live in a place where it doesn't rain all the time?"
"I can't handle the cold."
"I'm happiest in summer."
These words, spoken out loud, were anything but empty, meaningless, idle. No, by speaking them, I brought cursing upon myself, allowing the enemy to have influence over me in the way I think and respond to the weather. By speaking these words, I was in agreement with lies and the Father of Lies. These words aren't in agreement with the Word of God, which gives life and is my life. God changes times and seasons. He created the weather. Rain is a gift from God on dry, thirsty land. And so on and on.
Praise God that he has provided a way for us through Jesus Christ, who became a curse for us, to be free from the results of our negative words. All I had to do was repent (recognize that I had made a negative confession), revoke it (unsay, or cancel it), and replace it with a confession of the truth, putting myself in agreement with God and his word. Halleluiah! I can honestly say today I am unaffected by the gray, cloudy weather outside and that I am actually enjoying it. My heart is light and I am almost :) looking forward to the Fall. I think it's okay to still really love bright, warm, sunny weather!
His word is my very life.
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