Friday, February 19, 2010

Same Question

I shared last week that I have been working through a question and I was hoping to have us talk about it at the table this week. We had two people join us at the table to discuss this. I'm going to be a bit of a brat and bring up the same topic again. So, as you join us around the Soul Kitchen table today, we're kind-of having the same meal again. I wouldn't exactly call it's more like I cooked up a big batch last week, stuck some of it in the freezer, and I've taken it out and am serving it again today, with some added ingredients. Over the week we had two comments, which I've included. Remember the question?
What would your purpose be if all you could do was blink?

I guess that question is designed to get us to figure out who we are apart from what we do. Who were you when you were first conceived? What was your purpose right then, before you had done anything? Who were you when you were just a helpless baby? What was God's reason - his purpose - for you?

I'm still thinking about it, but I'm getting closer to an answer. I actually wrote what I would have to go with so far... but then I deleted it. I think it would be fun to explore this together instead. Why don't you take some time today and this weekend to think about this and comment back with your thoughts? You can be anonymous or you can have a name. Let's have a conversation at the Soul Kitchen table!

I will eventually comment, too, and let you know what I have thought of so far. I've copied it to a file and labeled it My Purpose. Even if it changes as I think more about it, I'll tell you and also share my revision. Then you'll see my process too. So, who's going to comment first? The first one to the table gets a $10 Starbucks card!

What is your purpose...apart from what you can do for others, or even God?

Anonymous said...
to be loved by him..and to love you!

FEBRUARY 16, 2010 12:47 AM

Anonymous said...
Okay, I admit it. I've been pondering your question all weekend. My "sense" of purpose seems to always revolve around what I can do for God and how much I love him and what I am "accomplishing" for Him. But that can't be right. Every baby is born with a purpose, not for what it can do but for what it is. And when my babies were born, their only purpose for me was so that I could love them. So, I will have to agree with the person who wrote before me. If I could do nothing but blink, my purpose would be nothing more than to be loved. Well, currently, I'm not in a coma, and I can do a lot more than even blink so I will remain in that love. My purpose is to soak it up and let whatever is left wash over the people around me.

FEBRUARY 16, 2010 2:28 PM

Thanks for the comments, friends. Our anonymous comment writers have let me know who they are, and I think it'll be a Starbucks date with each of them!

Here is my response to them and also to you all, as I promised. It's posted in "comments" below. You can read it and then respond with your own comments. Oh... don't you just love this interactive thing? We at Soul Kitchen are being quite intentional to encourage more interaction to happen. Thus, round two of this same question, and another opportunity for you to join us in our interactions. I'd like to write on something else next week, so give me some more feedback and I'll be content... and won't go for round three! :)

1 comment:

  1. Well, my thoughts haven't changed much since last Friday when I wrote this. It's basically the same as the two comments from last week's post which I included in my post above.
    I had put My Purpose this way: To delight in love.

    For me that means to know that God loves me and to joyfully respond in my heart back to Him in love. (I'm assuming that if I could blink, I could also feel and think.) I didn't write "To delight in God's love," because I've already considered that love automatically and primarily means God's love, because "Love is of God." 1 John 4:7

    Since my purpose doesn't specifically say God's love, it can include:
    delighting in the love others have for me
    thrilling in the love I see others extend to one another
    delighting in loving others

    There's my My Purpose Statement and also the process behind it. I know there are other perspectives out there! We'd love to hear yours!
    Go for it - share yours! It's not that scary.
