Friday, March 18, 2011


I came across a very simple, all encompassing definition of grace in my online course "The History of Redemption" at Blue Letter Bible Institute. In defining grace, the course instructor says, "It is simply this: Grace is God doing it. Write that down. Grace is God doing it.

Everything throughout all of human history has always been about God doing it. He spoke all things into existence. He breathed the breath of life into the first man, and "in his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind."(Job 12:10) 

If even breathing -  the most automatic activity we do in life - would not be possible if God did not continue to ordain it, why do we still think we're in control and insist on doing things our own way? Why do I think that I know better than God? Seriously, without answering that question...and dealing with that... we will not move any closer to enjoying God's grace. We won't be comforted to know it's God doing it.

God is The One who has the plan - the perfect and glorious plan - that continues to go forward according to his will and work. We forget that...we forget that often.  Even as we've looked at the first chapter of Ephesians, we see how God has set everything up according to His purpose and plan. It's all about God doing everything for us. It's about God's incredible power in us. It's about God's Spirit working through us.

Grace is God doing it. The question for us in every circumstance today is this: Am I going to receive His grace? Will I submit to God doing it? 

Isaiah 30:15 has been a favourite life verse of mine. It is so contrary to how the world does things, but in light of grace meaning God doing it, it makes perfect sense for followers of Jesus.

For thus said the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel, "In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength." But you were unwilling... 
(and they did things their own way)

Let's embrace God's grace and rest in His working everything according to His will.  May God's grace produce willing hearts in us. By God's grace it's all possible.

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