Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Jesus My Joy...Part 2

Goodmorning Sisters and Brothers....

I'm glad you've joined me in the kitchen. As I look out the window, I smile to myself and say, "The sun is not's too wet to play...but Jesus is still my Joy on this cold, wet, rainy day."

Last week I wrote about Jesus being my Joy. I have been working through some painful areas in my heart that He has been showing to me as I pray and seek Him...things that are deep rooted and need healing. As I was working in my flower beds last week, I was thinking, "why is it that the weeds always show up first?" It's spring...I want to see flowers. I thought of all the weeds that I pull up out of my garden...some of them are easy to see right big and showy, growing up in an open space and I yank them out...others are tucked right into the plant and it feels like I'm doing surgery to remove it as not to rip up the flower roots right along with it. Some of the weeds I pull just keep coming back over and over because I've pulled the top off so they don't make my garden look ugly but I failed to get the roots. After a while....those roots get really deep and its a lot harder to get them out. I believe this is a word picture of my heart, and Jesus the master gardener has been waiting for me to ask Him to pull some weeds.

A few days after I posted last week...a dear sister emailed me and questioned some things that I had written. I was grateful that she did because I went back and re-read my post and agreed with her. What I was trying to get across was worded in a way that said something totally different. Let's take a look:

I have been asking God to reveal His truth to show me areas in my own heart, my inner being, my soul, that are not well and need healing so that I can be free and beautiful in His eyes. I want to dance in freedom before His throne, be a daughter bringing joy to her heavenly Father...I want to serve without hinderance and love without reserve....

Dear one...Jesus does want to heal you from anything in your life (sin, hurts, unforgiveness, or lies that you have believed)...anything that shows up like a weed in your heart sucking life and nutrients out of the garden of your heart. But you are already beautiful in His eyes...with or without the weeds and believe me, until we get to heaven, there will always be some weeds. Jesus loves you the way you are. He doesn't ask you to get your life together before you come to Him. If you have given your heart to Him...He has made you free...and you bring Him much joy. And you still bring Him joy when He shows you things in your life that need working on. I think what I was trying to say last week...but didn't word it quite right was that the things in my life that need healing keep me from joy. He has joy in me because I am his beloved daughter. But when I hold on to 'weeds' in my life, they rob me of dancing with joy and freedom before His throne. The weeds entangle me and I feel held back.

Jesus is our Joy and we are His. Give Him all of you so that you may grow and dance in joy and freedom.

You are precious.

1 comment:

  1. Good clarification! :)
    You're right, nothing we do or don't do can make God love us more, just as nothing we do or don't do can make God love us less. He loves completely and we're secure in His love. How great is that!

    I presonally understand the process of having the Master Gardener carefully and lovingly pull "weeds" from the soil of my soul. I love Him for it and experience more joy and freedom as a result. Yes, it's a painful process admitting to the weeds or those carefully hidden roots. But so worth it! I've actually hired Him on full-time to look after this ongoing job. :)
