This hasn't sat well with me all evening since I got this ticket. $136 is an expensive consequence to a rule I chose to break. I had a great opportunity to explain to my children that when we choose to break rules that the consequences can be costly. Adults as well as children sin and make choices to sin.
This is what the LORD says — your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:
"I am the LORD your God,
who teaches you what is best for you,
who directs you in the way you should go.
If only you had paid attention to my commands,
your peace would have been like a river,
your righteousness like the waves of the sea."
~ Isaiah 48:17-18
This got me thinking about rules. Why does Jesus give us the Bible? Does he give it to us so that we can read it and twist things to make it work for us? Even though the street had a speed limit of 60 km/hr I chose to cruise down the street at my own speed that I felt should be the speed limit. We can't take the Bible and pull things out so that it fits our life. The Bible is, and always will be the infallible, unchangeable Word of God.
Most of us can "cruise" through all the Bible stories and retell them because we've heard them so many times just like I drove the road so many times in my life. We can zone out like I did while driving and go through our daily walk with Christ, not paying any attention to those around us until something catches our attention and catches us in disobedience and we end up with consequences to our sin. Consequences to sin can be costly. They can even get us a seat in hell if we turn our backs on God.
Why does God give us rules? He gives us rules to help us, His children, avoid the pitfalls and dangers of life. The rules are for our good, to keep us safe from things that we might not realize that could harm us. God wants us to enjoy life and include Him in our life and let Him lead us so that we will be following the safest and best path.
I live with regrets... "if only" I had been paying attention.... "if only" he had let me off on this one.... "if only" it wouldn't have happened... "if only"...
I would not have been taught the lesson I needed.
Just like there's speed signs to keep us safe on the road, God has His Word to keep us safe in our walk with Him. God wants us to pay attention to Him!... to his rules... He does it because He loves YOU!
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