Friday, November 6, 2009


Did you know that you are under no obligation to the sinful nature? None at all! (Romans 8:12)

You are not helplessly doomed to fail and struggle and never overcome those things – those sinful habits or tendencies (visible and hidden) – that plague you and weigh you down in your life.

Did you know that the one whom the Son sets free shall be free indeed? John 8:36
Are you one of those whom the Son has set free?

You are free to live according to the Spirit, because Christ has set you free.

You are free.

Is this your experience? Maybe you experience this freedom in some ways, but not in some of the other areas in your life. Did you know that it is possible to experience Christ’s victory to live for God in those areas as well?

Sin is no longer your master, for you are no longer subject to the law, which enslaves you to sin. Instead, you are free by God’s grace. Romans 6:14 NLT

Sin is no longer your master.

You have been set free for freedom. Galatians 5:1

Many years ago, the Holy Spirit made these more than words and an idealistic concept for me. Since then, I’ve been pressing in – fighting for – my freedom. Positionally, I am free to live for God and obey Him; this is the reality in the spiritual world. I, however, have not been - and in some ways am not - practically free in some areas of my life. What I mean, is that I don’t experience the reality of my freedom in some areas of my life. We need to become in practice what our position is in Christ.

How does this happen? What does it mean to “fight for my freedom?” I believe it starts with knowing the truth. When the Holy Spirit convicted me that this freedom and victory is the norm for a Christian, I no longer had excuses. I couldn’t just ignore the inconsistencies in my life and chalk them up to excuses like, “Oh, it’s just my personality – I’m just like my dad and my grandmother. It’s just the way our family is.”
“It’s those darn hormones – PMS, pre menopausal, menopause, the winter blues, etc.”
“I’ve always been like this.”

Is God bigger than our personalities? Didn’t he give them to us?
Is the power that God exerted when He raised Christ from the dead bigger than our moods or our hormones?

Oh, please agree with God here!!!
It is for freedom that you have been set free.

So if we begin to see that this is true for us – right here and right now – in our present situations, then we know that we need to come into the freedom Christ has provided. Begin to renounce and turn from all those excuses that we’ve had. Humble yourself. How? Realize that what God says is true and right, and if what I’m experiencing in my life doesn’t line up with what God says, someone has to change, and it’s not God who has to change! Yes, it’s painful admitting that we’re in the wrong…again. But that’s the only way to freedom.

Where do we start?
Confess our sin and wrong doing. Confess our excuses for our behavior.
Turn from our wrong way of thinking and doing things.
Ask God to show us what the truth is and how to apply it to these areas in our life.

I’ve done this in so many areas in my life that I couldn't even remember all of them to count how many. This is how I’ve gained my freedom. It’s a process my dear friends, as many of you know. Don’t give up. Ask God to give you someone who encourages you in the truth. How we need that!

Go in peace and walk in freedom.

1 comment:

  1. Amen and Amen! You know my heart beats with yours on this. Oh, may those who read your words take them to their hearts as well. Freedom is worth fighting for!
