Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I am in the throes of a challenge, issued by myself, to myself.

For those of you who know me and my family, you know a bit about our... eating habits. All of us, excluding my younger sister (I'm the middle of three girls) have gone to see the naturopath (Dr. Ewing) and have had a list given to us of foods that we cannot eat as they stress our bodies out when we digest them or they make us sick. We've also been given supplements to take and the older three have some nasty green sludge to drink to flush out toxins (that'll be me too, coming soon). For the most part we stick to this diet, but you have no idea how hard it is to not eat bread (or anything close to resembling wheat or gluten), dairy, a significant amount of veggies (garlic, onions, peppers *Sigh*), some fruits (the only one I miss is the orange and come Christmas I better be able to have those back!). The other problem is our lists don't all match, so while I may not be able to have garlic, the rest of the family can. You see the issue? We're talking about the Douglas', my dad would put garlic on everything if he could and, most of the time, we would let him.
So you'll forgive me when I say that I have fallen off the Ewing diet lately (ice cream can be to hard to resist sometimes. Also, when you're on vacation, that is an excuse to eat poorly. Seriously, we look forward to vacation mainly for that reason). My next naturopath appointment is on October 5, so starting September 5 I have not eaten anything that I am not allowed to eat (unless I didn't know that onions were in the tuna salad that was made, mom!). I'm also exercising as many days as possible (thus far this week, two, which another go tonight. Woot!)

The challenge is to get me to eat properly and to exercise, the question I have, however, is wether or not, which the healthy eating, exercise, supplement taking etc. I will lose any weight. Honestly, I don't have a lot to lose, but there's always those few pounds, right? If nothing changes, then I can go to the good Dr. and demand an explanation! Or ask really nicely, cuz as I recently found out, I just cannot be all demanding and pushy (that doesn't mean I didn't get a good deal with Telus though. Score!).

Anyways, back on topic. Eating this way is not nearly as much fun as digesting an entire pint of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream while sitting in a friends room watching T.V. on DVD (brilliance, btw), but in the three days that I've been very strict about this, I do feel a lot better and, as we all know, that's why I'm doing this (Ok, so it's partly because of that, partly because I can be competitive when I want to and partly the weight thing... so sue me).

I'll let you know how this goes, and after my appointment with the good doctor, if I remember (no promises) I'll tell you final results. Now though, I am going to go have the same breakfast that I've had everyday for... a long, long time. Two scrambled eggs, a slice of canadian bacon and a banana (admittedly the fruit has changed on occasion, but I always seem to come back to the banana).

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