Saturday, September 11, 2010

Spiritual Amnesia

I've recently been reading a book called "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan for my devotions every day, which, by the way, is a book I'd highly recommend to anyone. It's talking about how Christians have become "lukewarm" and "halfhearted" in their faith. Francis Chan describes one of our problems as "spiritual amnesia", where we forget how awesome and amazing God is. When we forget who God really is, we forget why we love Him and our love becomes forced.

So, Chan reminds us what God is like: Holy, Eternal, All-Powerful, All-Knowing, Fair and Just. Just look at His creation. It's easy to see that we serve an incredible God. He is the only perfect being, and is so much bigger than us. We are like microscopic specks compared to Him. He never had a beginning, but has always been and always will be. He can do anything and everything, and holds the world in His hands. He knows every single thing about each and every one of us, which is crazy considering how many people are in the world and how insignificant we really are. He is fair and just, punishing sin, but also giving us grace and forgiveness.

Why wouldn't we love Him?

Another thing Chan wrote that really caught my attention went something like this: "We were created FOR GOD... so why do we often act like God was created for us?"

It made me realize that I am so selfish in my faith, and often catch spiritual amnesia and forget the wonders of God. So maybe take some time today to just marvel and stand in awe of our mighty, glorious God. He really is amazing.

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