Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Prayer

Father I thank you for my job. I thank you for the provision that you have given my family and also for the fact that you placed me there to praise you and serve you.

I lift up to you the 12o students that walk into my room each day. Lord Jesus I pray that you will bless them, encourage them and speak to each one of them. Whisper your words of love to them all, Lord Jesus, especially to those who can not hear your voice.

Lord, I pray that my room will be one of peace, of safety, and of love. Lord use me to give them your peace, your safety and your love. I pray for the love of you to wash over me, so that I may in turn immerse them in it.

Lord, I pray for patience. Give me strength and patience when all of them are talking at once, when half of them didn't complete the homework that today's lessons depends on, and when one of them decides to talk back. Lord, in these times, give me an over abundance of love to see them all as you see them. May your love and joy and peace infiltrate even the smallest of activities we do in class. May they feel your presence as we practice quote integration and re-writing misplaced modifiers!!!

Lord Jesus, may they meet you this year, in my class, in the sanctuary of their houses, in the recesses of their hearts.

Lord, reign in my classroom.


1 comment:

  1. Praying with you sweet friend. You are a light that shines!
    Love you,
