God's intention for His creation was perfection. When He made Adam and Eve, they were perfect. The Garden of Eden was perfect. Creation had a perfect relationship with the Creator. And then came sin.

Since then, the world has fallen deeper and deeper into that sin. I've been looking through dramatic monologues to perform for a school project, and at least half of the ones I saw talked about sex, homosexuality, had horrible swear words in them, or were just very rude and hurtful. There is a separation between church and state, so now Biblical teachings are taken out of public schools. We used to live in a stated "Christian" country... and now, Christians are mocked or rejected because our beliefs don't accept any other religion. It's all about "accepting everything", and "what's right for you is right for you, and I will accept that". But that's not the way God created us. He is the One and Only God, the I Am, the Saviour of the world. And so many people don't recognize that. Or else they purposely choose to ignore it.
Last night I was at my friend's birthday party and some of the guys built a fire for us to roast marshmallows. There were some issues because the wood was wet, and at one point, my one friend said jokingly to the fire, "I created you! Why are you trying to burn me?" A thought instantly flashed into my head:
Imagine how God must feel.I'm not saying that we should be all depressed and give up on this world because of what it has become. But I wanted to voice some of my thoughts on what's wrong with this picture. We as Christians are called to share Jesus with others. We were created for the glory of God, and I can say personally that I have not been doing my job very well. I think a lot of us might feel that way. So please, take a look at the world around you. It's messed up, I know. But the more we bring God into every moment of every day, the more of a difference God can make through us to the fallen world we live in.
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