Friday, October 22, 2010

Walk with Me

For all the peoples walk each in the name of its god, 
but we will walk in the name of the LORD our God forever and ever
Micah 4:5

I saw this verse last night and liked it. What I mean by liking it is that it just settled in my mind and made me ask questions. 

What does it mean to walk in the name of the LORD? I know I want this -  for ever and always - but what does this mean? 

The Message puts it this way:
Meanwhile, all the other people live however they wish, 
   picking and choosing their gods. 
But we live honoring God, 
   and we're loyal to our God forever and ever. 

In this verse we see there are two distinguishable groups of people. There are all the other people and there are we - His people. It's all about belonging.

My greatest joy and fulfillment in life is knowing that I belong to God. He called me to Himself through Jesus Christ and I simply, but wholeheartedly, responded with "yes". As I work in the Women's Centre Drop-in at our church, each week I see how desperately people need to feel that they belong... somewhere. And how much greater it is to belong to the One who loves us with all His Being, and Who is able to keep us belonging to Him forever and ever!

If we belong to God - and know what that really means! - our walk is going to look a lot different from those who don't have that solid foundation of belonging. Oh how I pray that we would grow in knowing how incredibly precious we are to God! I pray that we would know beyond all doubt that God very specifically cares about what we are concerned about and wants to meet us in those places of fear and concern. He is all about being there for us! We are his very own, and He loves us. Let's walk in that awareness, together as sisters, and with Him.

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