Monday, January 24, 2011

Are you caught in an undertow?

I am sitting in my living room this evening and it's almost 5 o'clock. There is a glow and warmth coming from the fireplace that makes me feel cozy and comforted. It is grey and cloudy outside with drops of rain still holding onto the branches of the tree outside my window. It has been a while since I have written. I have no excuses except that I have been dealing with some issues of the heart. My heart to be specific... Don't we all struggle with something from time to time. Just when we think we have a handle on things, we are thrown a curve.

How quickly we can spiral down to a place where we feel like we are drowning. It would not be our first time... or our last. Fortunately, for me... I know how to swim. But sometimes even knowing how to swim does not takes us to the shore. Maybe we swam out too far... or the water is really cold and we are getting cramps and we know we cannot make it back without help. I remember two times in my life when I thought I was actually going to drown and I was a good swimmer. One of those times I was in the ocean and was being pulled out further and further by an undertow. The harder I swam to get to the beach and safety, the stronger the undertow pulled me back. I had lost all hope that I was going to get any closer to shore when I felt my body being lifted by the strong push of my husband's hands. I swam, he pushed. Eventually we got to shore and I collapsed in relief.

What I am trying to say is... I knew how to swim, but something more powerful than me had a grip on my life that was beyond my control. When I felt the strength in my husband's hands, it gave me strength to not give up and to keep swimming.

Sometimes, we need a lifeline. We need someone to encourage us. We need to know that whatever it is that is trying to suck us under does not have all the control. We need to rely on what we know is true and allow others to help us if we need it. We need God's Word and we need to ask others to pray for us when we are hurting or struggling. Sometimes, someone else can shed a different light on what is happening and it is not as bad as it seemed after all. Don't be afraid to ask someone to help you.

May you have a blessed week as you keep looking to the One who loves you as no other can.

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