Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Love is patient.
1 Corinthians 13.
God is sooooooo patient. He is patient with me.
The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Psalm 103:8
I just wrote that but I had to go back and read it and say it again......I whisper it like holy words rolling off my tongue. I know these words but the more I know the God of these words the more in awe I become...
of who He is....He is Patient.
How can I not be overcome with a grateful heart at who He is...His character...His Heart...
He is merciful. He is gracious. He is slow to anger. He is patient. He abounds in steadfast love.
Do you know what abound means? It means to exist in abundance.
He exists in the abundance of steadfast love......
I want to abound in Him. I want to exist in His abundance of EVERYTHING about Him. I want to abound in his Spirit. I want to abound in his patience. I want to abound in his steadfast love.
I have asked the Lord 2 different questions this week.....countless times and when I say countless, I mean countless....which is very UNpatient-like...
Each time I have asked...I have heard one word in return.
I smile as I hear it in my mind. He didn't yell it and tell me to stop asking and tell me that if I ask one more time, I'm not getting it. (I'm pretty sure I've said that to my kids before)
Just patience. He tells me to be trust him. It is hard sometimes.....Why? I don't know. I fight with myself. I don't want to be patient. But He is patient. And because He is patient, I can be patient and trust Him.
Oh, I'm so glad He is patient. If he wasn' would not exist as we know it.
Thank you Sweet Heavenly Father for being soooo patient with us. I love you.
1 Corinthians 13.
God is sooooooo patient. He is patient with me.
The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Psalm 103:8
I just wrote that but I had to go back and read it and say it again......I whisper it like holy words rolling off my tongue. I know these words but the more I know the God of these words the more in awe I become...
of who He is....He is Patient.
How can I not be overcome with a grateful heart at who He is...His character...His Heart...
He is merciful. He is gracious. He is slow to anger. He is patient. He abounds in steadfast love.
Do you know what abound means? It means to exist in abundance.
He exists in the abundance of steadfast love......
I want to abound in Him. I want to exist in His abundance of EVERYTHING about Him. I want to abound in his Spirit. I want to abound in his patience. I want to abound in his steadfast love.
I have asked the Lord 2 different questions this week.....countless times and when I say countless, I mean countless....which is very UNpatient-like...
Each time I have asked...I have heard one word in return.
I smile as I hear it in my mind. He didn't yell it and tell me to stop asking and tell me that if I ask one more time, I'm not getting it. (I'm pretty sure I've said that to my kids before)
Just patience. He tells me to be trust him. It is hard sometimes.....Why? I don't know. I fight with myself. I don't want to be patient. But He is patient. And because He is patient, I can be patient and trust Him.
Oh, I'm so glad He is patient. If he wasn' would not exist as we know it.
Thank you Sweet Heavenly Father for being soooo patient with us. I love you.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Let's Look at One Another
This week I did a final performance of my school play, "Our Town". It was an amazing ride, and God blessed me with many new friends and lots of memories. When the show was over, everyone was crying and hugging, knowing this was the end of an incredible experience, and that things wouldn't quite be the same afterward. But the message of the play was the most important thing I've learned.
The play challenges us to live each day, appreciating every moment, not rushing ahead and missing out on the small moments. One line that my character says to her mother is, "Just for a moment we're all together. Just for a moment we're happy. Let's look at one another!" She realizes too late how much she's missed in life, how she wouldn't take the time to look at the people she loved and tell them how much they meant to her. The last act was very powerful, and many people I talked to afterward said they were touched, and some even cried.
All in all, I just want to encourage you all to live each moment as if it's your last. Thank the people around you for everything they do for you, and most of all, thank Jesus for everything HE'S done for you... especially as it's Easter weekend. Appreciate every little blessings God has given you. And I challenge you to look at one another.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Death is Swallowed up in Victory!
For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received:
that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures,
that he was buried,
that he was raised on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures
"Death is swallowed up in victory."
"O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?"
The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.
But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, 54b-57
I have been crucified with Christ.
It is no longer I who live,
but Christ who lives in me.
It is no longer I who live,
but Christ who lives in me.
And the life I now live in the flesh
I live by faith in the Son of God,
I live by faith in the Son of God,
who loved me and gave Himself for me. Galatians 2:20
Thank You Lord Jesus. Praise your Name, my Precious Saviour!
Monday, April 18, 2011
"To Storm the Secret Place"
On Saturday evening this past weekend, we received a phone call from our son who lives in the surrounding area of Raleigh, North Carolina. He was a bit shaken but okay. A tornado had just touched down on the street where he lived. Earlier in the evening, he could tell a storm was approaching and decided to go out and take some pictures of the lightning. He did not have his radio or television on and thought it was just a typical North Carolina spring thunder storm. His wife had just returned from Walmart with a car full of groceries and our young grandson was sleeping peacefully in his crib.
As Josh was standing outside on his porch, camera in hand... the weather became crazy. The wind increased significantly and the rain was unlike any other rain storm he had witnessed. He said the rain began coming at him sideways stinging and burning his face. And then it began to pelt balls of hail. The sound of a huge clap of thunder almost knocked him off his feet. As the wind increased in intensity, he realized this was not just a thunderstorm. He said the sound of the wind was eery, a shrill noise that brought with it a power he had not witnessed before. As he grabbed his wife and crying baby who had been awakened by the thunder, they huddled together in the house and waited for the unknown.
I have been there before... waiting for the unknown. Huddling together with my children and so scared I kept praying the same thing over and over again. "God please help us, God please save us... God please protect us... God please don't let us die."
In a matter of moments it was over. As they emerged from their home and ventured outside, they were shocked to see the devastation. A house down the street was completely covered in trees along with their cars sitting in the driveway. Another home was completely split down the middle by a fallen tree. Siding was ripped off of houses and there were trees and branches scattered everywhere. But their house was untouched. Though they had a tall pine tree in the front yard had it fallen would have gone through their bedroom... it still stood. Their cars were still parked in the driveway. And for the first time in three years of living in their home, they met all of their neighbors. It is amazing how disastrous things or happenings can draw people together.
We are so thankful that our children are safe. As you look at how tornadoes work... there is very little you can do to protect yourself. They approach so fast, it is impossible to outrun them. With hurricanes, you have substantial warning and you know the direction they are heading in, but tornadoes approach and can change direction with no rhyme or reason to the path they take. News reported 60 twisters touched down in North Carolina this weekend.
Often, as we are faced with natural disasters or emergency's of the unknown we are brought to the realization that we are helpless. Even more so, we are driven to our knees in prayer because we know there isn't a single person living in this world that can help us at that moment. A poem I read this morning... sheds a little light on where we go when we need God the most.
"I thank You for the bitter things
They've been a friend to grace,
They've driven me from the paths
of ease...
To storm the secret place."
Florence White Willett
Saturday, April 16, 2011
More than I could ever ask or imagine...
This past Thursday, my grade got to lead the youth night. We had made plans the week before to do a more quiet, calm evening... with lots of worship and different people sharing. Then at the end, we decided to have some time for an open mic, where anyone could come up and share a story or something God had been teaching them.
On the actual night, I started to have doubts about the open mic time. I was expecting long, drawn-out pauses when no one would be willing to share. I was expecting awkward silence. But, boy, did God surprise me! The Holy Spirit was really working that night, and instead of no volunteers, we had people, youth and leaders, continuously coming up front to share something with the group. There wasn't even 30 seconds between each person! It was such a blessing to hear stories of God's blessing or teaching, especially from people who normally wouldn't share in a big group, but who felt God calling them to do so. We probably could have continued like that for a while longer, but the night had to end sometime, and some people had school the next day :)
As I look back, I realize that God really works in ways beyond anything we could ever dream of. The night was way more than expected, better than I could have ever dreamed. And it was nothing that we did. Sure, we played music and shared some of our own journeys, but God was the hero that night. He touched so many hearts, when I had been worried about silly things like how the band would sound and if we'd have enough time. So I guess my thought for this post is, don't put God in a box. He is far more than we can ever comprehend, and He loves to wow us!
On the actual night, I started to have doubts about the open mic time. I was expecting long, drawn-out pauses when no one would be willing to share. I was expecting awkward silence. But, boy, did God surprise me! The Holy Spirit was really working that night, and instead of no volunteers, we had people, youth and leaders, continuously coming up front to share something with the group. There wasn't even 30 seconds between each person! It was such a blessing to hear stories of God's blessing or teaching, especially from people who normally wouldn't share in a big group, but who felt God calling them to do so. We probably could have continued like that for a while longer, but the night had to end sometime, and some people had school the next day :)
As I look back, I realize that God really works in ways beyond anything we could ever dream of. The night was way more than expected, better than I could have ever dreamed. And it was nothing that we did. Sure, we played music and shared some of our own journeys, but God was the hero that night. He touched so many hearts, when I had been worried about silly things like how the band would sound and if we'd have enough time. So I guess my thought for this post is, don't put God in a box. He is far more than we can ever comprehend, and He loves to wow us!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
500 Posts!
How fun for me to get to write the 500th post for Soul Kitchen!
Amazing. You know, I sit here after a long day at work and I think...500!!! Really.
500 times we have come here to claim the faithfulness of our God...and may we praise him again 500x5000 and even that does nothing to compare to his great love for us!
Oh Lord, Thank you for your faithfulness....your love that knows no bounds. You are Gracious and Merciful and full of Compassion. You Provide. You are Righteous and Holy beyond my comprehension. You give Joy and Peace. Truth and Wisdom come from your mouth. You give Life!
I rest in your arms. Thoughts of you calm my heart and mind from worries...I meditate on your ways and peace comes. Strength and Courage you breathe into my lungs and I inhale deeply and sigh. What would I do without you? You rescue me. You call me to Freedom....sweet freedom.
Oh, How I Love You!
Amazing. You know, I sit here after a long day at work and I think...500!!! Really.
500 times we have come here to claim the faithfulness of our God...and may we praise him again 500x5000 and even that does nothing to compare to his great love for us!
Oh Lord, Thank you for your faithfulness....your love that knows no bounds. You are Gracious and Merciful and full of Compassion. You Provide. You are Righteous and Holy beyond my comprehension. You give Joy and Peace. Truth and Wisdom come from your mouth. You give Life!
I rest in your arms. Thoughts of you calm my heart and mind from worries...I meditate on your ways and peace comes. Strength and Courage you breathe into my lungs and I inhale deeply and sigh. What would I do without you? You rescue me. You call me to Freedom....sweet freedom.
Oh, How I Love You!
Monday, April 11, 2011
"A Little Less of Me"
"I didn't know if I was going to make it to church this morning," she said. "Oh, why not? I asked. "I could hardly get out of body was aching so bad. I had to mow my yard yesterday," she answered. "You mowed your yard!" I exclaimed. I probably shouldn't have asked but I had to know. "How old are you?" I asked. "I'm eighty-two," she said. I inquired if there was someone who could help her. "I used to have someone, she said, recalling the person to mind, but now I live alone." I wondered if it had been her husband. I told her I didn't think she should be mowing the yard. With that, she answered... "I have no one." I wanted to wave a flag and yell, "Hey people! Over here! This lady needs her yard mowed!"
How often we get caught up in just everyday living that we fail to see others around us who need help or encouragement. From what I gathered, she had lived there all her life and had probably attended that church for many years. Sometimes it is easy to allow ourselves to get so caught up in our small perimeter of relationships that we hurry past an opportunity to bless someone. I am hoping that I can find someone who will check on this lady and be a help to her.
I know that I am often guilty of not noticing when someone else needs help. So I have been challenging myself to look around and see if I can bless someone. I have found that even opening a door for someone or giving someone grace in a long line of traffic will bring a friendly smile or a wave of gratitude. A hug or a smile does wonders! And yes! We have young neighbors on our street who mow the yard and shovel the snow for an 85 year old man who lives across from us. We also have a friend who lost her husband a couple of years ago that lives close to us. When the opportunity arises, we help her when we can.
A song was written several years ago by Glen Campbell. There are times when I hear the music and words in my mind. It goes something like this...
Let me be a little kinder
Let me be a little blinder
To the faults of those about me
Let me praise a little more
Let me be when I am weary
Just a little bit more cheery
Think a little more of others and
A little less of me...
Let me be a little braver
When temptation bids me waver
Let me strive a little harder
To be all that I should be
Let me be a little meeker
With the brother that is weaker
Let me think more of my neighbor
And a little less of me
Let me be when I am weary
Just a little bit more cheery
Let me serve a little better
Those that I am striving for
Let me be a little meeker
With a brother that is weaker
Think a little more of others
And a little less of me.
I Thessalonians 5 tells us... to encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone... and always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.
Proverbs 14:31 says..."but whoever is kind to the needy, honors God."
Saturday, April 9, 2011
I was looking through my journal to find a few verses of encouragement for a friend's birthday, and in the span of about 4-5 pages, I found two verses from different chapters of the Bible, but that had a similar message:
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
- Romans 15:13
"And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ..."
- Philippians 1:9-10
Aren't those awesome adjectives?? ABOUND and OVERFLOW... when I read those words I go "Ahhhhhh...", a sigh of contentment. God wants us to be filled to the top and spilling over with His hope, peace, love, wisdom... He's not just enough to fill the empty places in our lives. He is MORE than enough! It's like that feeling where you've eaten so much you feel like you could burst... times one hundred!!! At least, that's how I imagine it :) So let's take a journey together to learn what it means to be overflowing and abounding with Jesus Christ, the God who never stops giving. Amen!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
This past September I was asked by the church I attended's youth pastor to be a youth leader for the grade nine girls who were just coming up to the high school ministry. While my initial reaction was "yes!", I wanted to pray about it and talk with him a bit more. He asked me Sunday at church, youth started on the Thursday, and that Wednesday I agreed to be a leader.
Sometimes you have to just believe that God knows what he's doing. Other times you get tangible proof. Every Thursday (and some Sundays) I get to hang out with these girls and every time I see how much God knows what he's doing. These girls have won me over completely and I am really enjoying being a leader (good thing too, cuz I got three years left!). Thursdays have become the highlight of my week.
I took two of my girls out for ice cream last night and, as they talked, I was struck by how what they're going through now, is exactly what I went through when I was their age. When I was in grade nine I had an awesome leader and, at one point, I remember telling her all the stuff that was happening in my life and how much it sucked. She totally understood and had said to me, "I wondered, when I was going through all this, why it was happening to me. Now I know it's because you're going through it too, and I can help you." That's how I feel with these girls. I understand what they talk about and what they're going through because I've been there too.
I'm amazed at God's big picture sight. He knew that one day I would need to answer questions that could only be answered if I had been in a similar situation before. He knew that one day I would be a youth leader and He knew how much I would love it, and so He prepared me for it. I love how He works.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Whale Pyjamas
A simple (perhaps even silly story) meant to offer encouragement:
At church today we had one of our "Shout Out" services in which people share the work and goodness of God in their lives. As small as it is, I have my own shout out story.
My five year old is growing like a bean (as most kids do). His particular stage of growth has left him with very few pairs of pyjamas that fit him. The poor boy has been squeezing himself into some shockingly tight nightwear! That is until I bought him a new, and rather stunning pair of whale pyjamas - my Finn is crazy about sea faring creatures. They are a cute, and more importantly size appropriate pair of pyjamas.
All was well until I misplaced the top portion of them. They have been lost for a while now, and Finn has gone back to wearing the same old skin tight pyjamas. As with all things that I lose, I have prayed about finding the shirt. I have turned my house up side down. Each time I searched for them, I walked past my coat closet and wondered if they would be in my basket that holds all of our winter apparel (mittens, scarves, toques, etc.). Each time I passed the idea off as completely illogical, for who would have put it up there? It is too high for either of my kids to reach, which would have meant that my husband or I put it up there - as I said, illogical.
Today I decided to give the house yet another look over. I was not willing to give up on finding them. I had spent money on these pyjamas, they were cute, they had only been worn once and my son needed them. As I walked past my coat closet today, I wondered if that little feeling I had always dismissed as illogical was actually the Holy Spirit answering my prayer and leading me to the shirt's hiding place. So, a little embarrassed that I was actually looking in amongst the mittens for a pyjama shirt, I reached for the basket and searched through it. There, amongst said mittens, was the shirt! The Lord answered my prayer - my silly little prayer about finding a shirt. I was so excited I thanked Jesus out loud!
That is my shout out story. I realize that it may seem like a trivial story, but there are so many reminders in there: that God answers prayer, no matter how trivial the subject matter may seem to us; that He cares about the small things that concern us - or in this case weigh upon my mind like a burdensome unsolved mystery; that He is constantly in control of every situation in our lives.
One particular thing that I have been focusing on since this whole scenario unfolded this afternoon, is how often do I put aside a thought from my mind, disregarding it as illogical, or not worth paying attention to, when it is, in fact, the Holy Spirit trying to tell me something? How many times have I ignored God and chosen to follow my own, more "logical" plan? How many times has God spoken to me, and I have not recognized His voice?
My prayer for each one of us, is that we learn to distinguish His voice and hear it more clearly than any other.
It is getting late. My house is quiet (except for the dulcet tones of a dishwasher doing my work for me). My sons are in bed (one of them wearing his newly found whale pyjamas!). The day is drawing to a close. Tonight, I am going to bed encouraged. Encouraged that the Lord answered my prayer. Encouraged that He is in control. And encouraged that if we listen, He will speak to us.
Good night all, and may you hear His voice above all others.
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