Saturday, April 16, 2011

More than I could ever ask or imagine...

This past Thursday, my grade got to lead the youth night. We had made plans the week before to do a more quiet, calm evening... with lots of worship and different people sharing. Then at the end, we decided to have some time for an open mic, where anyone could come up and share a story or something God had been teaching them.

On the actual night, I started to have doubts about the open mic time. I was expecting long, drawn-out pauses when no one would be willing to share. I was expecting awkward silence. But, boy, did God surprise me! The Holy Spirit was really working that night, and instead of no volunteers, we had people, youth and leaders, continuously coming up front to share something with the group. There wasn't even 30 seconds between each person! It was such a blessing to hear stories of God's blessing or teaching, especially from people who normally wouldn't share in a big group, but who felt God calling them to do so. We probably could have continued like that for a while longer, but the night had to end sometime, and some people had school the next day :)

As I look back, I realize that God really works in ways beyond anything we could ever dream of. The night was way more than expected, better than I could have ever dreamed. And it was nothing that we did. Sure, we played music and shared some of our own journeys, but God was the hero that night. He touched so many hearts, when I had been worried about silly things like how the band would sound and if we'd have enough time. So I guess my thought for this post is, don't put God in a box. He is far more than we can ever comprehend, and He loves to wow us!

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