Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This past September I was asked by the church I attended's youth pastor to be a youth leader for the grade nine girls who were just coming up to the high school ministry. While my initial reaction was "yes!", I wanted to pray about it and talk with him a bit more. He asked me Sunday at church, youth started on the Thursday, and that Wednesday I agreed to be a leader.

Sometimes you have to just believe that God knows what he's doing. Other times you get tangible proof. Every Thursday (and some Sundays) I get to hang out with these girls and every time I see how much God knows what he's doing. These girls have won me over completely and I am really enjoying being a leader (good thing too, cuz I got three years left!). Thursdays have become the highlight of my week.

I took two of my girls out for ice cream last night and, as they talked, I was struck by how what they're going through now, is exactly what I went through when I was their age. When I was in grade nine I had an awesome leader and, at one point, I remember telling her all the stuff that was happening in my life and how much it sucked. She totally understood and had said to me, "I wondered, when I was going through all this, why it was happening to me. Now I know it's because you're going through it too, and I can help you." That's how I feel with these girls. I understand what they talk about and what they're going through because I've been there too.

I'm amazed at God's big picture sight. He knew that one day I would need to answer questions that could only be answered if I had been in a similar situation before. He knew that one day I would be a youth leader and He knew how much I would love it, and so He prepared me for it. I love how He works.

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