Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Sacrifice of Praise

October holds many special memories in my mind of thanksgiving and praise. To tell the truth, because my heart is in two countries, it seems that I celebrate Thanksgiving Day for almost two months. And of course, October 31st falls between the two. I will always remember on that particular day in 1964... I awoke with an excitement and peace in my heart. It had begun the day before.

"I will pick you up after school," Preacher Merritt had told me. "Be sure and wear warm clothing, and bring an extra coat." I had been excited at school all day and couldn't wait to get home. But along with that excitement, I was also a little anxious. My Mother had been upset with me for almost two weeks after having put my trust in the Lord at a small church I had been attending. We were hardly on speaking terms. I had listened almost daily to her anger and frustration that I would go against her wishes. But I had determined in my heart to follow God and being baptized was an important part of that decision.

True to his word, Preacher Merritt was waiting for me when I got off the school bus. It was a sunny day, but cold and windy. He came to the front door and waited for me as I got my clothing together. My Mama was watching my every move, though she did not say anything. I knew that I had stepped across a line in my family that had never been stepped across. I had defied something deeper than simply disobeying a time frame or doing chores.

Both of my parents had deep seated anger and resentment against a church that had hurt them deeply when I was a child. Just days before, Mama had lashed out at Preacher Merritt after he had stopped by to see why I had left church after Sunday School. He had planned to announce my decision to follow Jesus to the congregation that morning, but as he was speaking, he noticed that I was no longer there. Mama had told me I had better come home or she would come and get me. I knew she would and I didn't want the embarrassment of her coming in and dragging me out or making a scene. I had experienced her irrational behavior before. As I listened to Preacher Merritt speak to my Mama in his age-old voice filled with wisdom and kindness... her facial expression changed. Her anger settled and she just stood there looking at the two of us. I think she resolved in her heart that this was one battle that she could not win. Reluctantly she agreed to my baptism. But she would have no part of it.

As I got into the car with Preacher Merritt, he explained to me what would happen when we got to the lake. I kept thinking about how cold the water was going to be and the sacrifice he was making to go into that cold lake with me. I'm not sure how old he was at the time but he had white hair and had been the pastor of the church for many, many years. At least one of my high school friends was at the lake waiting for us. As we walked down to the lake and began venturing into the water, it felt ice cold to me. Preacher Merritt was a little unstable on his feet as I was. Neither of us had ever been in this lake before and were not sure of what it was like under our feet. We slowly walked out, testing the bottom of the lake with each step. Finally having reached a place that seemed appropriate enough, in waist deep water... we turned around. As we did, I saw my Mother's car pull up and she and my younger sister got out and walked down to the lake. I don't know if she just came out of curiosity or if she felt compelled to witness this event... but she came. Though her expression was solemn and she said nothing to me before or after... it was a blessing I did not expect.

As I professed my faith in Christ, and felt the chill of the cold water take my breath, I was excited! God had chosen me. Preacher Merritt wrapped a towel around me and put his coat over my soaking wet body. He had left his car running with the heater on. I watched Mama get into her car and leave as we followed behind her down the dirt road. Yet it was a time of peace in my life that settled deep into my soul.

Fall brings a time of thanksgiving and praise into my life for what God has done and continues to do. I praise Him for the seasons in our life of growth and renewal.

Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song. Psalm 95:2

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise... the fruit of lips that confess His name. Hebrews 13:15

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