Saturday, July 3, 2010


I don't know about you, but I'm a performaholic. Let me enlighten you on this subject. Basically, I feel like I have to perform all the time by always being the top at whatever I do. I strive for perfection, and I have this fear of failure that sometimes rears its ugly head. God has taught me how to overcome this fear many times... but it sometimes still shows up.

Day 197 - "Perfect"
(July 3, 2010)

Anyways, I guess this is just a friendly reminder to everyone (including me) that no one's perfect. Only God can claim that title. We can be really good at lots of things, but we're human and it's natural to fail. We can't be afraid of it. We have to take the mistakes we make and learn from them. Easier said than done, that's for sure. It's a challenge that I'm sure I'll battle all my life, but with my heavenly Daddy's help, I know that in the end, I'll conquer it :) And that's true for you too.

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