Thursday, December 16, 2010

Peace on Earth

It's something we pray for, dream about and toast to...well, I have never made a toast to peace on earth...but I just had this flashback to the movie "GroundHog Day" where the sweet and beautiful female character (Andie MacDowell) tells Bill Murray who plays a total self absorbed jerk that she always toasts got it, world peace.  Anyway...I nearly lost my train of thought....let's get back to "Peace on Earth".

It's a little hard to imagine.  I can imagine Peace in Heaven...but Peace on Earth...well, it just seems a little far fetched, particularly at Christmas.  Have you been to the mall?

Have you talked to anyone lately that told you they just felt so "Peaceful" about Christmas?  Yeah, the only way I can really imagine it is if I lived out in the woods, like on Little House on the Prairie and there was this huge snowfall and nobody could go anywhere or do anything.  That kind of reminds me of peaceful but...I'd still be worried about all the people that didn't have heat or food or you know...all the stuff we don't know anymore or how to get for ourselves like they did on Little House on the Prairie.

With all that said...I'll tell you what I don't have to imagine....because I get it.  When Jesus was born and the angels declared "Peace on Earth" was Him.  He is Peace.  He is Peace in my heart.  Life gets busy. It can even get scary and crazy and feel like it's out of control....but Jesus is Peace, the Prince of Peace to get matter of fact.  He owns it.  He delivers it.  He wants us to have it.  He offers it freely to us.

Can you imagine what life on earth would be like if each one of us lived each day with His Peace flowing through us?  Could it possibly be a little more "Peace on Earth"?

Peace be to your heart sister and Peace be to mine.  Every time you see the word 'Peace', or hear it in these next few crazy days as we prepare to celebrate His birth...remember Him.  Remember that Jesus is your source of Peace.  He will fill your heart with it when you sincerely ask Him.  His peace is not of this doesn't make sense to us sometimes...(if you've ever felt peace in a time of turmoil in your life, then you know what I'm talking about).

It's one of His many, many presents for us.





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