Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Is God bigger than a blue whale?

My four year old, Finn, is just enthralled with ocean animals. Whales and sharks are his favourite, but he loves them all. He knows a shocking amount considering his tender age - in fact, age aside, he knows a shocking amount! I have learned more about the ocean and its inhabitants in my last year of life than I did in the 29 previous years! His vocabulary is astounding laregely because his favourite DVD to watch is the BBC's Blue Planet: Seas of Life series - an 8 part documentary about the water that covers the earth and all the strange and wonderful (and sometimes down right creepy) creatures that live in it. He listens to the dignified voice of Sir David Attenborough and incorporates (and correctly so) the same manner of speech and vocabulary into his own, four year old, everyday conversation. I am constantly surprised by phrases and words that he uses. The other day he informed me that copepods are a type of deep sea shrimp, and on the same day that he loves to draw bioluminescence!! What is perhaps more impressive than his vocab. is the intensity with which he takes in the information he has learned and really mulls it over. Quite often you can almost hear the cogs turning in his little brain. He processes the information and almost always connects it with something else he has learned, or is thinking about.

Did you know the blue whale is the largest creature on the planet? It can reach 30 metres in length and can weigh up to 200 tons (a baby blue whale is born at a meagre 3 tons!). Its tongue alone weighs the same as an elephant, and its heart the same as a car! Its arteries are so massive, that a toddler could crawl through them. This is a BIG creature! I can't even fathom this, despite the previous comparisons. Somehow, my four year old CAN fathom this!

One of Finn's favourite questions right now is asking how big God is. Is he as big as a house? A truck? It is when he asks me if God is as big as a blue whale that his mind really starts to ignite and his eyes really become large. In his mind, a blue whale is the ultimate in terms of measurement. There is none bigger than the blue whale, so when I tell him that God is bigger than this immense mammal, he is just floored!

So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds... Genesis 1:21

A God that is bigger than a blue whale, that created the blue whale, is a God worth putting your trust in. He is worth calling to when you have had a nightmare. He is the One to whom we should ask for protection. He made the tongue that is as heavy as a car. He envisioned and set into place the network of mammoth arteries, and so He is the One that we ask to heal daddy's mouth after his wisdom teeth come out. He is the One that we call upon to help us find our favourite toy. He is the One that we serve.

I have a God bigger than a blue whale. That's big!!

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