Thursday, July 30, 2009


Just this past week, I met my neighbor at the postal boxes down the street from our house.  He is a wonderful neighbor and seems to have a deep concern for people.  I warned him that in a few days, we would have a houseful of teenagers who would be staying the night and it might get a little noisy.  It would turn out to be around 30 people.  Fortunately, my daughter took a few of the young people home with her for the night.  My husband had just finished a kids camp just beyond the mountains of Whistler and about an hours drive down a dirt road.  We have been doing this particular camp for 11 years but was unable to get the same location as  had been available the previous years.  There would be no phone service, drinking water would have to be hauled in, and there was no electricity.  Pretty much, we had been spoiled to the conveniences of more modern camp grounds with running water, electricity and bath houses and oh yeah, a pay phone.  Not to forget, the beautiful lake for swimming, the nearby convenience store and other amenities available at the old location.  

I listened to some of the camp counselors share of what God had done in their lives during this camp.  A lot of them expressed their fear of a new place, knowing it would be nothing like the place that had been available to them before.  Some said on the first day, they did not know if they would be able to make it through the whole week.  They talked of having to depend totally on the Lord for their strength.  The team was a group of high school and university students from Crystal Lake, Illinois.   Each day, they gave all they had to care for, minister to, and share with the children attending the camp how much Jesus loves them.  This was done more in actions than in words, although there were daily devotions and Bible studies.  For most of the kids attending, because of the location of where they live, this is the only camp they will ever be able to attend.  So last year, when we were told, we could not come back to the old location,  a family who also has a heart for children offered us the use of their property.  It took a great amount of work and effort to get it ready for the camp.  None of this could have happened without the help of  Christian friends.  I have heard  this was the hardest but the most successful camp that has ever been because of the unity of the camp.  Everyone worked together, from those who brought the kids to camp, to those who helped cook and those who washed dishes.  There were also those who lead the group meetings, lead the singing and also those who did a lot of clean up.  There were those provided drinking water, who set up tents, cleared the brush, and those who carefully stayed awake to watch over the camp. There were those who were available to attend to medical issues if some should arise.  I think the average size of the camp was around 110 people.  The success of the camp came through a lot of prayer and unity among the believers.  People who gave of themselves to bring joy and the hope of Jesus to the lives of those who do not have a personal relationship with Him.  I was not there myself this year, but I prayed a lot.  

I love it when I see Christian friends working together... accomplishing those things that we cannot accomplish alone.  From time to time I would get word from my husband telling me how God had used someone there to meet their needs.  God needs all of us... not just some of us.  He has given us all different gifts that when used together, brings great glory and honor to Him.   We may think that we do not have very much to offer... but God uses sometimes the least to prove the most powerful!   A quarter in our shopping cart, will fill our baskets full of groceries.  Such a little thing... but it carries the load.  Never allow yourself to think that you are insignificant.  We are all significant in the kingdom of God!

"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit.  There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.  There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men." 1 Corinthians 12:4-6

"All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and He gives them to each one just as He determines.  1 Corinthians 12:11

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