Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pray for Haiti

For the past couple of days, I have been consumed in my thoughts with the devastation of the earthquake in Haiti. We are able to see first hand what is going on through television and Internet, yet it is also easy for us to be removed emotionally if we do not know anyone personally who lives there. Even so, if we have the compassion that God has given us for those He loves, we can't help but be saddened and feel the hurt and loss for those who are homeless, hurting, wounded, and for those who have lost family, friends and loved ones. The loss is devastating.

Haiti has been recognized as one of the poorest countries in the world. It will take a lot of prayer and financial aid for it to recover. Even the presidential palace in Port-Au-Prince has collapsed.. Most people are afraid to go into their homes even if they are still standing because they are afraid of the aftershocks that could still bring the buildings down. People are lying dead on streets and in buildings. A lot of people are still buried under collapsed buildings. I was reminded of the Tsunami that struck Thailand in December of 2004 and the devastation. It is times like this when we see the compassion of countries coming together and helping those who are in need. Every time I see a major disaster, whether it be a hurricane, earthquake, tornado or tsunami, I am grateful for the Christian relief agencies that also immediately respond with food, water, financial help and shelter.

Let us pray for the people of Haiti, for those going to help. Pray for safety and discernment for those who will be setting up homes and shelters for the homeless and bringing food, water and medical services. God always works in the hearts of people during a crisis such as this. One of the kindnesses that I remember most in my life was when a family took us in during a flood.

A friend who was a missionary in Haiti for many years, said this in his email to me, "We wept when we heard that Haitian Christians had gathered by the thousands in public places last night in the dark to sing hymns. Your brothers and sisters in Haiti, fortified by prayer, are in the streets today, lifting heavy rocks, praying, binding up wounds as best they can, and still praying."

As we go about our day today, let us be reminded to pray for Haiti and the people who are suffering so much loss and pain.

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