Thursday, June 17, 2010

A dose of Vitamin D-ivine

I guess I have a love/hate relationship with the month of June.  I've been a little worn down as of late.  It's a crazy month.  I'm sad to see somethings in my year go like being with my Contacts Bible Study Girls ( It's such an encouragement to meet with precious women seeking Jesus every week), school on the other hand....I can't wait to be over....I just want to relax with my more lunches and no more projects or homework.  I just want to go camping!  (In nice warm weather I might add).   I know that the cold, dreary rain hasn't helped my feelings much either.  A little vitamin D does the body some good you know.

Isn't it so amazing that Jesus calls Himself the Light of the world.  I love this verse from the book of John chapter 8 verse 12.  Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

I hope you can see where I am going here but I feel like I've been stumbling about a little in the dark.  My mind has been shadowed with some dark clouds lately.  I have grieved some things for others and grieved some things for myself.  I have struggled with letting those things go.  I have wrestled with the outcome of some circumstances.  I know and believe that the sun is still shining beyond those clouds and sometimes even through them...but I have to admit that I have been distracted lately by the rain and the dark clouds that bring it.  Knowing that it is the Truth that sets us free, (John 8:32 ..."and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.")  I have pondered the scriptures, rolling it's truth around in my mind.  Saying the words out loud and asking the Holy Spirit to guide my thoughts so that I can see the truth in the situations before me.  I feel like my mind, will and emotions have been getting the best of me...and I have not been fully focused or surrendered to allowing the Holy Spirit to guide me through the darkness that can sometime surround us.  I'm trying to formulate this for you the best I can so I hope you can understand what I'm trying to's like I've still been eating healthy (the pure spiritual food of God's word) but I'm needing a little vitamin D-ivine supplement.  It's not just enough to read God's word and say it....I need the divine outpouring of God's Holy Spirit in my life to give me life and direction and understanding and power to overcome darkness around me and to live victoriously in every situation and every circumstance.  On my own...I just can't do it.  It's exhausting.  So how do you get this life giving vitamin D-ivine supplement?  Well...the bible seems pretty clear on this...all we have to do is ask.

Jesus is our Sonshine.  No matter what we see or even don't see around us...He is still there, just like the sun on a cloudy day.  He says it himself....and I just love the words..."I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."  Not just light, sister,  but the light of life!  The Holy Spirit is our power source.  Acts 1:8, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you..."  If you have asked Jesus to be in your life, you have the Holy Spirit living within you, He will never leave you...but if you want to live victorious in the light, we must invite Him and choose Him to guide us, speak to us and fill us with his Divine power.

So give me the Son and give me some vitamin D-ivine, I'm tired of focusing on the clouds...I want to run and sing in the light of life!

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