Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It has been three weeks since I have posted. There are two reasons for this. Apparently laptops don't like it when you accidentally spill an entire cup of coffee on them!! I was without a computer for a while and due to my clumsiness was forced to buy a new one. My old one lay coffee soaked and lifeless! Secondly, I haven't posted as I have been immersed in the workload and stress of a new teaching position. The list of vacant positions came out and seeing that I was toward the top of the list, I was able to voice some opinion as to which one I wanted. The only thing is, that none of them were too desirable. However, I chose one that I thought would be best and told the School District that this was the one I desired. The Lord heard my request and granted this position. I was grateful to Him for the position and was excited about what the new school year would hold. But then time passed. I found out my teaching assignment (course load) and extreme panic set it. I am teaching 5 different courses, 4 of which I have taught before. However the school that I will be at doesn't have any of the books that I have taught before, so this means that I will need to prep and plan for these courses from scratch. Each unit will need to be revamped to accommodate the change in resources. I am also teaching an AP course (advanced placement in which the students receive college credits). I feel like I am drowning in the planning of this course alone (let alone the other 4 that need to be revised). I have spent a lot of time panicking about this and thinking that it is beyond my abilities to plan for these courses in two months. BUT the Lord gave me this position, and the Lord's plans are to prosper me. Every now and then, I need to refocus and remember that the Lord didn't place me in this position just to sit back and watch me flail helplessly about. He has plans for me. My mum offered to look after my boys every now and then so I can spend the entire day working and planning (and reading 5 novels, as well as countless short stories and poems). At first, I thought my mum was moved to do this simply because of her benevolence towards me as I sat in her dining room in tears, feeling overwhelmed by the task at hand. While my mum is so wonderfully gracious toward me, I can now see that her offering to help wasn't just her doing. I can now see the Lord's hand in this. Just as He has provided a practical way for me to work done this summer, He will continue to provide for me, support me and encourage me as I start teaching in September. I am encouraged that even though I can't see a way out, He doesn't see the world through human eyes!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you, my dear. You're right, God has provided and He will make a way! Something I need to tell myself, oh, every day!

    So looking forward to spending time with you : )
