In my Social Studies class, we've been learning about Canada's economy... blah blah blah, boring right? Well, we've also been learning about all the natural resources we have here, like oil or diamonds. And how we're pursuing these resources so much that we're even ruining the environment to get them. They are desired by everyone.
Now, that is more of a negative type of desire, but it can sort of be compared to God's desire for us. He loves us so much that He is constantly pursuing us. We are like precious jewels to Him, and He won't ever give us up. Doesn't it make you feel special to be pursued like that? I know it makes me feel that way :)

Day 174 - "Precious Stones"
(June 12, 2010)
Each and every person, no matter how good or bad, is precious like jewels in God's sight... to Him, we are worth pursuing.
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