One morning on a recent road trip with my family to a place I had been many times, we came to what has become my favorite part of the journey. Even after having passed through beautiful country along the way, this part always takes my breath away as the road takes us down from the mountain pass and into a rugged, dry valley. In the distance, there is a mountain, snow covered and grand. I love mountains. To me they speak to the majesty of God, high and lifted up, mighty and beautiful. It would eventually become larger in our view as we would drive very close to it and have to look up as we went by. I was looking forward to this scene as we descended into the valley. However, I was disappointed, because the sky was full of clouds, and I could only see the base of the mountain.
The closer we got, the more I wanted to see it. Silently, I prayed that God would part the clouds so that the snow-covered summit would be in view. This was my desire, but I was prepared to have to wait for another trip. After all, clouds happen. It's just the way it is. At that point, the road took us on some turns where the mountain was out of sight. After a few moments, we rounded a bend, and right in front of my eyes, there it was, in full morning sun, not a cloud around it and the most beautiful I have ever seen it.
Oh my. I don't know if I can express here what I felt at that moment. Maybe you can imagine it. Amazement. Awe. Wonder. I had received a gift from my heavenly Father. God did that for me! He actually changed the weather for my pleasure. Wow. Does he always do that? Of course not, and it's a good thing he doesn't. But on this day, he did. And I was overwhelmed with love for him as he overwhelmed me with his love for me. I responded with tears and my heart sang, My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has done great things for me.
Our God is a giver of good gifts. Sometimes he gives them because we ask, and sometimes he gives them just because he loves us and knows what will give us joy and pleasure. May we recognize his personal gifts to us and may our hearts receive them with joy and thanksgiving, cherishing them because we know we are loved. Amazing God.
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