Many times, the Lord reminded the people of Israel of their deliverance from Egypt, how he moved Pharoah to release them from his grip, how he parted the red sea so miraculously, making a way for them to be rescued when it looked like an impossible situation. For the Israelites, their deliverance and Red Sea experience was to be a reminder of his love, faithfulness, power and desire to save. Remember who I am. Remember what I did. Remember that I love you. Remember that I keep my promises. Remember that I am God and I can make happen whatever I want to make happen.
By having the people remember this event, he was calling them to apply the truth of it to the current situation. Remember what I did for you back then? My love for you has not changed. My desire to rescue you still moves me. My ability to rearrange the natural order and amaze you has not been depleted. I am still God. You are still my child. If I did it for you back then, I will do it again and again and again. Remember. Hang on to it. Walk in the truth of it and trust me.
God knows we are prone to forgetfulnes and need to have reminders. God has given you a "Red Sea" experience, too. Maybe you can think of many. Maybe recent. Maybe long ago. If you can't think of a time when he came through for you and you knew you were loved and he was worthy of your trust, ask him to bring one to mind. Ask him to help you remember. Remember what he did. Remember how you felt. Remember the things you learned. Remember who he is and apply the truth of it to your current situation to walk in faith and trust.
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