Thursday, June 4, 2009

Come on in...but leave your shoes on, we're on the patio today

How are you?

I'm sitting outside on my patio....taking in the last bit of morning shade before the beautiful sun gets back here.  It's warm right now, but not hot, like it will be later....I have had a busy week and today is the first day I've been able to do this.  I've been talking to Jesus...pondering and meditating on all kinds of things I've been reading in the bible.  I imagine you joining me here.....sitting around the table....I'd pour us all a glass of sweet tea on ice....are you with me?

  We'd do what women and laugh...share in each other's life...and hopefully hear where our hearts are.  Some of us would be, the craziness of June, and the heat seeming to get the best of us.  Some of us would be refreshed, excited to just sit with girlfriends and spill life and all thats going on in it.  Some of us would be hurting inside....struggling through circumstances, old wounds that continue to haunt, difficult relationships, parenting worries or marriage hurts....those of us hurting, would most likely keep it to ourselves, afraid to lay that kind of stuff on the table.

But Why?  It's what sisters do...we love each other, we care for each other...we take our hurting sisters to Jesus.  He is the One that cares for our hearts like no other.    None of us are perfect.  We don't have all the answers.  But we can listen, help where we know we can and pray for each other.  Sisters have been doing it for thousands of years.  I can't help but think of Ruth and Naomi.  Related by marriage, sisters by choice and a beautiful blend of an inter-generational bond.

We are related through Christ Jesus, soul sisters because we bring our hearts to the table and seriously, a beautiful blend of inter-generational women growing together with one common purpose...Knowing Jesus and bringing glory to his precious heart.

We want you to know here at Soul Kitchen,that we want you at the table...if you need prayer...write to us at the bottom of the post.  If you are new to this sort of thing...just look for the word comment at the end of the post, click on it and it will take you to a page where you can write back to us.  Just follow the prompts. Save Soul Kitchen in your favorites and it won't be so much work to find us when you want to come on over.  We'd love to share life with you.

Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus said....

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Now...anyone ready for some more iced tea?

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