Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Some people are good at showing honor. Some are paid to not only serve but to do it as though they enjoy it. I have had the privilege of being on a sea cruise. The crew members from the bathroom and stateroom attendants to the waiters and maitre ds (sp?) go out of their way to show honor and respect to the "guests" on board. They smile as they step aside to allow us to pass, making it seem that they are the ones who are privileged to make the beds we sleep in, clean the toilets we pee in, cook the food we consume and pick up the towels we leave on the floor. Amazing.

Who knows what they are really thinking as they do these things. Doesn't really matter if they think we are all snobs or if they really like us. They do it because they have to. It's their job and they rely on gratuities for their livelihood. When they sign up for such a job, they are trained in the ways of showing honor and respect.

The motivation of the crew members doesn't matter as long as the outcome is beneficial.

The same is not true for those of us who carry the name of Jesus Christ. We are to "love one another with brotherly affection" and "outdo one another in showing honor." Romans12:10

Our motivation comes from a pure heart, because we have been born again. (1 Peter 1:22-23) We are to make showing honor a competition! Be the best at showing honor!

Unfortunately, we (our culture and sometimes our church culture, too) are so used to leveling the playing field, making everything even and fair, that we are much better at reducing each other to the least common denominator. Instead, we should be going beyond fair and raising one another up to higher and higher standing. What would happen in our homes if our children were competing with each other in showing respect, honor and preference for others?! What would happen in our marriages, our churches?

Oh sisters and brothers, let's make this our goal for the day (and forever) to outdo one another in showing honor to each other out of a pure heart that loves Jesus. It could be a lot of fun.

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