Monday, June 22, 2009

Last week I spent some quiet time with God as I hadn’t been able to do that for quite some time as there is a lot happening in my house. I opened my bible and my devotional talked about beauty and the time we spend as women to make ourselves presentable. I stood there for the 45 minutes I take to get ready in the morning and had my eyes opened to reality. Each day I wake up, I find the energy and time to take a shower, blow dry my hair, put on makeup, choose my clothing and my shoes. During that 45 minutes I am so rushed and focused on my appearance, making sure things are right for the day. My eyeliner smears a little too far and it’s a minor detail that I take the extra time to go back and clear with a Q-tip.
Do I make time for God in the morning?
My morning is so jam packed that I find time for myself but do I find time for God?

When I opened this devotional, it was just what I needed…. a reminder that as I get ready I can spend time with God in conversation, asking him to clothe me with humility and grace. I need to start my day off focusing on God instead of myself. There is nothing wrong with wanting to take care of yourself and what you look like. What was a reality check for me is that I can put so much time into myself and the things in my life that are a priority that God gets put on the sideburner. That is where I am wrong and need some correction. God should be number one and I should be giving each day and step I take over to him.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”
~ Proverbs 31:30
I want to be a woman who my family remembers as one who prays and lives for the Lord. I desire to be woman who cares for others and has a servant heart. I want each breath I take to be a reminder that life comes from the Father. I want my house to be filled with grace, a place of safety and that anyone who enters will know that we serve the Lord. Proverbs 31:30 shows us that what God says and what “the world” say are two different things. Hollywood wants us to put beauty first but God wants us to put Him first. A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised! I know I can become so self absorbed that my self esteem can be affected by how I perceive myself compared to others or those on TV. God looks at our heart and sees it and how we prioritize. Beauty starts in the heart. I pray that I can be that person who reflects Christ to others. I want Christ to be that beauty in my heart. The only way to have that is to spend time with him and ask him to direct me and fill me.
Do you make time for God in the morning? Talk to Jesus when you’re getting ready and put Him first! Let beauty start in the inside.

(This post written by Child of God)

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