Friday, June 26, 2009

God speaks in many ways

Last night I dreamed again of the dream I had the night before. As I was sleeping, I was exploring the meaning of the dream I had the previous night. The best way I can explain this is that in my dream I was interacting with God about my dream and He was unfolding what it meant. Very interesting!

I have learned to recognize dreams as a way in which God talks to me. Most often the imagery that is projected on the underside of my eyelids is not to be interpreted literally. Rather, it is symbolic language...a puzzle to be solved...with word play... association. It causes me to ask questions of God and dialogue further with Him about what He wants me to get; what He wants me to understand.

Why wouldn't He just plainly come out and say whatever He wants to say? Well... we have a way of believing what we believe and forming a world view that runs so deep that we see everything through the lenses of our world view. Sometimes our way of seeing things - the way we evaluate life or situations - needs to be challenged because it simply isn't the way that God sees it, and it's not the way that He wants us to view things either. So God, intricately knowing us - our upbringing, culture, education, personalities, past experiences - captures our attention with sometimes very bizarre dreams that we just can't seem to shake and continue to ponder. Often these dreams occur repeatedly with slight variations but seemingly the same theme. These are the dreams that I take to God. We work through them together... and I often also ask for the godly wisdom of friends/family.

In Acts chapter 10 we read the story of how God speaks to Cornelius and how He speaks to Peter. With Cornelius, God speaks plainly with specific details. The message is symbolic language here. With Peter though, the vision God gave to Peter probably felt to him like a nightmare considering the Jewish law and culture that Peter lived in and loved. Let's look at this story and see how God got through to Peter. Peter needed a new world view so he could freely follow God in the calling God had for him.

Click on the link below. (This saves me typing out the whole chapter and also introduces you to the Bible Gateway web site I like to use when writing a post.)

Father, open our hearts and minds to hear You as You speak. We hear Your voice as we delight in the beautiful creation You have made for us, we hear You through Your Word, we hear Your voice through those who love You, through music and art... so many ways in which You speak. May we learn to trust You to even speak through dreams and visions, for You are completely faithful and trustworthy and give good gifts to your children.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Freedom,

    My dream was a beautiful dream that was completely intertwined with the verses you quoted last week on Monday, June 15 "To Life and Godliness".

    I woke up this morning with these scriptures on my heart and mind...
    2 Peter 1:3,4
    His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

    God revealed His heart to me through the dreams and these verses. Thanks for that post.
