Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Come and Rest

"Come to me,
all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
for I am gentle
and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.

For my yoke is easy
and my burden
is light."

These are the words of Jesus when He walked on this earth as a man, found written in Matthew 11:28-30.

We all get tired when life is full and busy and it just seems like there aren't enough hours in the day, but this verse isn't talking about that.

Jesus says for us to come to Him and we will find rest for our souls.

Are you anxious? Afraid? Do you have a heart filled with worries? Is there a burden in your heart for someone that you love and the weight of it seems too much to bear sometimes? Have you ever felt emotionally spent from living and caring for those precious around you?

Write this verse out and put it in the kitchen, the bathroom, by your bed, in your purse, or any other place where you will see it. Read through each line and think about what that means and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you and help you apply it to your own life and situation.
Visualize what it looks like for you to give your burden to the Lord and then to rest in His arms.
Meditate on Jesus' words until they are written firmly on your heart and they have become life to you...and then last but not least...choose to trust Him. When overwhelming thoughts come to mind...speak the truth of scripture and believe it.

Go to Jesus and you will find rest for your soul.

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