Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What Was He Thinking?

Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. Philippians 2:3-7

For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
2 Corinthians 5:21

For the last 2 days our dog has had the runs...bad. On Sunday morning, my husband having discovered the foul business in and around the vicinity of his kennel in the laundry room, I stayed home from church to clean things up. Many things - the kennel, the floor, the walls, the dog, the bathroom, the sidewalk, the carpet and me. Oh, it was nasty. Thankfully Safeway is open on a Sunday morning so that I could rent a Rug Doctor. Needless to say, the dog spent the day outside and made a visit to the vet. Yesterday was more of the same, but one learns, hopefully, a little from an experience like that to put the dog's kennel in a safer location so the need for clean up was not so extensive. Another trip to the vet and 89 more dollars to learn that he is not going to die. It will just take about a week for him to get back to normal. Only a week. Only. (Imagine here the smiley face symbol of a woman wide eyed and crazed from smelling rank dog feces for a week. I think I need another shower.)

Anyway, this whole experience got me to thinking. Believe me, there were many thoughts going through my head as my husband trundled off to work, leaving me to clean up the mess of his precious dog. (In fairness to my man, he felt terrible about leaving me with the job. He really had no choice.) Anyway, my thoughts turned to this: Diarrhea doesn't just happen to dogs. It happens to people. And it can be humiliating. The excretory system, while amazing if you think about the intricacy of processing food, keeping the nutritional parts and getting rid of the waste, is not what you'd call glorious. The dignity of men is precarious when it comes to having to use the toilet.

What was Jesus getting himself into? What was he thinking? Did he know what he would have to do daily? I'm sure that was not a normal part of his existence in the heavenly realm. He was equal in form and excellence with God. Yet, he didn't hang on to it or demand to keep it, but became a man, having to eat, sleep and wipe. Not only that, but he became one of a race of dirty, filthy sinners. People who are capable of atrocious behaviour, especially toward one another. Why would he do that?

I was overwhelmed with gratitude for a Saviour who would become filthy, rank and vile for me, so that I could experience the splendor and glory he gave up to become a man. Read the above verses again.

For our sake, Jesus became sin (sin is filthy, rank and vile) SO THAT in him we might become the righteousness of God. What an exchange! What a gift! I am in awe.

He loves you. He didn't choose to be humiliated for nothing. His love for you compelled him then and today will not blow you off, call it a day, cool it, hang it up, quit, run its course, shut down, sign off, or wrap it up. His love for you remains and always will. For your sake...

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